The ultrasound technician stepped into the room closing the door behind her. "We ready to take a look at bubs?" She chirped sitting down at the stool and picking up the ultrasound paddle.

I took a large breath steeling myself for the worst. The woman looked at me with real concern in her eyes. "Hey, is something wrong?"

I felt myself tear up and I looked away. Chris kissed my forehead. "This is her third pregnancy. We lost the others."

The woman rubbed my arm. "I understand. How about you close your eyes and I'll tell you when it's safe to look."

I squeezed my eyes shut. She lifted my t-shirt and squirted cold gel onto my stomach. I yelped in surprise.

"Sorry about that." She laughed. "I normally warn you."

I shook my head, giggling. She pressed the paddle down increasing the pressure on my already aching bladder. She moved it around and no one said anything for what felt like eternity. I think my heart stopped. Something had gone wrong. I was once again a walking tomb. She held the paddle still, pressing it hard into my abdomen and I felt her move beside me pressing a button. The room filled with a loud, 'woosh, woosh, woosh' sound.

"Hear that? That's the sound of your baby's heart." The technician says.

Relief crashed down on me and I was crying before I even opened my eyes. Chris moved behind me and hugged me, kissing me on top of my head. "Look, there's our baby, Emily." He whispered, pointing to the screen.

"Here's your peanut's little head. And there is their heart beat." The tech said. She did her measurements and took some photos for us to take home. "Everything looks perfect right now. Just how it should for eight weeks." The tech said.

We thanked her, and headed back upstairs to see Doctor McKenna. The doctor reassured us all the tests had come back fine and everything was looking good. She also told us she'd sent all our results to an OBGyn in Atlanta and that we'd see her again when we came back to have the baby.

Chris and I headed out of the hospital and while I felt lighter the dread had already started creeping back in. Seeing paparazzi in the parking lot didn't help. Chris' announcement on Jimmy Kimmel had drawn them out a little and they were popping up at random intervals taking pictures of us. This should have been predictable.

"Chris, don't scowl. It will just make people say you don't like being around me and that I tricked you somehow." I said. He put his arm around my waist and looked at me.

"Fuck 'em." He said. "Fuckin' vultures."

"Chris please. You know every time a photo come out and we're murder glaring them I get attacked on twitter. Please don't give them fodder to attack me about the baby." I pleaded.

Chris sighed and leaned down and kissed me, smiling. "Sorry, Em."

He walked me to the car and we bundled up inside. "Do you think this is how it's going to be every time? I'm going to go in freaking out that there won't be a heartbeat. Then when I come out there will be paps?" I asked.

Chris sighed again. "I dunno. It might be." He reached over and rubbed my stomach. "This is why I didn't want to take the role of Cap just so you know. This bullshit."

"I know. I'm not blaming you, babe. It's not going to chase me away. Just... you know?" I said sadly.

He nodded. "Yeah... I know."

We didn't say anything for a minute, just made our way out of the car park. "You wanna go to see, Ma?" Chris asked, perking up.

"Do you want to go show her the picture?" I teased.

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