Chapter 20

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My sub high almost lasted six hours. Chris was really put through his paces looking after me. Krysten was no help. She thought it was hilarious and she was drilling me with questions to get my ridiculous answers, which she thought were hilarious because of course she'd started smoking pot. We all had sex again while I was still tripping. It was giggly and stupid but I remember really enjoying myself. Then I had my drop which was one of the worst I'd had. I cried and I couldn't seem to get warm. Chris held me against him wrapped in a quilt and told me I was going to be fine.

I needed to do a trip into the woods for work. Chris was pretty keen to join me. After the incident of him never being around he had decided to be with me as much as he reasonably could. Not that he didn't have his own life. He did. He still went and drank with his friends or had to leave town, but he really seemed to want to make an extra effort to make sure I never felt abandoned.

Also he does really love camping.

So we filled up the truck with all my gear, food and Chris' guitar and we went bush as we Aussies would say. Only you know; it was the Forest of Massachusetts, not the bush. Most of the autumn foliage had dropped from the trees and the ground was just a blanket of orange and red. While the trees were looking a little ominous and dead, ready to conserve energy for winter.

We found our camp spot and I set up the repellants while Chris put up the tent. I then went and set up my GPS equipment. "Oh check this out. They're kind of all around us right now. There's a couple of bears north, and one to the east. Some coyotes dotted all around, and a wolf pack just South." I say point at at the various spots lit up on the map.

"Oh good! We're gonna get eaten." Chris snarked.

I gave him a shove. "You love camping. Did you think they weren't around just because you couldn't see them?"

"What you don't know can't hurt you." Chris said, nodding sagely.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm fairly sure that's not true for bears." I said, giving him a kiss. "Now come on and help me set some traps."

Chris and I gathered up my equipment and then went on a hike around the camp setting up the humane traps to see what non-predators are around. "God, I really do love your job. Being out here is even better than in Joshua Tree. I love how the air smells and how cool it is."

"And how you don't have to carry seven litres of water with you?" I asked.

"Who talks in litres? You're in America, Emily. Ah-mer-ee-ca." Chris taunted.

I punched him in the side and he grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back. "I will never, ever use gallons as a unit of measurement. Ever." I argued.

"You'll use it." He said, pulling me close to him and starting to tickle me. "How many gallons of come am I going to make you swallow, Emily?"

I squealed and tried to pull away or tickle him back. He held my hands pinned together as he continued to tickle me. "Stop it!"

"How many gallons?" He repeated, his fingers digging into my sides.

I was squirming in his arms laughing like crazy. "Stop being disgusting!"

"How many, Emily?" He laughed.

I somehow managed to stop squealing long enough to answer. "The average male ejaculate is 3.7 milliliters. Now let me go."

He let me go and doubled over laughing. "How do you even know that?"

"I'm a biologist." I said, panting. "Now stop trying to make me use your stupid backwards units of measurement and let's go back to the camping spot."

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