5. Roman Holiday

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"Are you bull shitting me right now?" Ashley huffs after Harry failed to come up with a convincing argument as to why he and I were gasping for air. There was also the fact that fear was evident in my eyes even as I stood shaking from the adrenaline wearing off.

"Well you do always know where the bull shits," Harry tries to joke even though Ashley won't have it. She folds her arms just as another man walks out with a furrowed brow. His crystal blue eyes are piercing as I see his striking light features. His bleach blonde hair giving him a softer look as he steps into the conversation.

"What are you two on about?" He speaks in a thick Irish accent, something I didn't expect.

"Harry was involved in the shooting down at Ruby's Diner!" Ashley informed the blonde Irish man who looked at Harry then me.

"Who is this?" He asks looking me up and down unsure of how to size me up.

"This is Ivy, she's new here!" Harry beamed as I outstretched my hand to the blonde haired blue eyed boy.

"Oh hey! I'm Niall!" Niall says greeting me with a friendly smile as I return the gesture.

"Niall! Harry killed two of the men in diner!" Ashely calls reeling the attention back to the issue at hand. Niall eyes widened with surprise as Ashley blurts out.

"They were his men!" Harry argued not giving a name to who his was. Ashley and Harry had talked about what I thought was the same person just this morning. The never named who this person was but from what I did gather he was someone who was out to get Harry, someone who wanted him dead. "If I didn't kill them they would've killed me!"

"Harry I've warned you! I told you how easy it would be for this to happen again!" Ashely says as I stay silent while the heated argument unfolds.

"Mate, this isn't the first time you've killed someone?" Niall's face is etched over with confusion. Obviously oblivious to the killing of the thugs just last night who were in progress of assaulting me.

"Last night was different, I was helping out Ivy here. Some thugs were disrespecting her to put it lightly," Harry explains to Niall who was completely out of the loop.

"Shit Harry!" Niall curses running his hands through his thick blonde hair that is browning at the roots.

"You are walking a fine line Harry," Ashley warns with pleading eyes. Worry and fear swirl in her hazel eyes that keep a concentration on Harry.

"I promise I won't get ahead of myself, I'm in control," Harry explains as I stay by his side unsure of the entire situation. I felt like partially responsible for Harry's murders, he committed those in my honor. He did it to save me.

"That's the scary thing Harry, I don't think you are. It's not going to be long before you crave blood, you crave the rush," Ashley reasons when her eyes land on Harry's gun that was tucked away in his skinny jean waistband.

"I don't get pleasure from someone dying if that's what you are insinuating," Harry folds his arms with a growing temper from Ashley's comment.

"I'm not saying that, I'm just saying that the city will craze you with the blood craving. We've been it time and time again, it's just a fact," Ashley says pushing her electric blue hair out of her way causing it to fall down to the top seam of her light washed daisy duke shorts.

"We are just trying to look out for you Haz, we are all family now," Niall speaks up with a softer approach as Harry unfolds his arms and softens his demeanor.

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