Chapter 1: The one who we called bestfriend

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**Aera's POV**

I was standing in the front of J company waiting for my bestfriend josh to came and pick me up for lunch. He is my only best guy friend who always stick with me macam itu 'pulut gatah' . I remember it clearly, how the first time we met when he accidentally bump into me and wets my clothes with his brewed iced coffee. I know he was a good man for he keep on apologizing me eventho i already told him that im ok. Truth to be told uhm plot Twist I guess?  He's my ex coursemate back in university 😂

"But your clothes are wet" he said and try to give me a hand.
"Serousli sa okk seja jangan kau risau kio" i answered him and walk away
But then he grab my hand. I was annoyed, actually im not really in the mood that day because i missed my job interview.
And i yelled at him i know it was rude but he is a stranger a total stranger so why'd bother to care about my wet clothes? Dia bukan sengaja and already minta maaf pun so i let it slipped. Im already tired that day
But then the funniest things how we end up being a close friend till today happended when suddenly a little boy approached us and bluntly said to us

"Aunty sama uncle jangan gadu² depan baby, kesian baby nangis tingu kamu gadu" points out to a baby yg duduk di dalam baby chair and betul-betul di sebelah kami. The boy move to the baby and said "baby jangan nangis lagii aa, abang suda marah mama sama papa kamu supaya jangan gaduh lagi"
And at the very moment, we both speechless and looked at each other after that we end up laughing together.
The boy who 'marah' us? Kami belanja dia makan ice cream and we promised to him we will never argue in the front of kids anymore. That's how Aera and Joshua becaming friend 5 years ago.

"Oi budak! Aera!" A voice came out from a red bright Honda car across the road. It's him! A messy black haired head came out and wave at me,

"Yo josh, what's bring you here? " i opened the door and blankly seated on the comfy sit beside him and stare at him, he looked at me and gave me a pokes at my forehead
"Auchhhhhh joshhhh kanapah kau lastik dahi sa" i yelled him
"Buduhh, erghh kanapah la sa bekawan sama kau ni,  siapa yg dua Hari suda merajuk sbb tida kana bawa pigi makan nasi goreng masak isi ikan? Buduh"
"Kau la buduh, ee iyabaa okok malas sa mau gaduh² ni, sa lapar. Pandu baik² aa driver hehehh" i grinned *tebayang suda tu nasi goreng*
"Tambang" he added and start to drive
"Tunggu sa kaya dulu la, nanti hari² sa bayar minyak kereta kau" i tease him again and smirk. I know he's just jokingly asking me about tambang but to be honest we always deals things together especially when it come to money. 'Patak²' is our things and I'm glad lately my financial have been risen up thanks to Joshua's advice yang kadang2 bulih diguna pakai.

Entrance of sunny cafe

**Aera's POV**

"Haihhh" i sighed. I thought after i graduate i can make a lot of money tapi haihh hutang piutang macam makin bertambah pula.
Its been 5 years since i graduate from S university and syukurlah after 4 years i finally got a permanent job and hari ni genap 46days suda sa kerja di J company. Private pun private la, kerja office yang penting gaji masuk. Dia bilang tiada kerja yang senang. Kan begini la hidup.

"Josh, you think better ka if i have two job at the same time?"
"Hemm" joshua replied me short and looked straight to my face
"Tidapayah la kau jawap" i walked angrily to the cafe leaving Joshua behind.

While waiting for the foods to come, i continue talking to my inner self. Joshua pula hmm sibuk dengan mobile legend dia.
"Aiyahhhhh how can i lose oh punya noob" sambil marah² josh kasi mati henfon samsung s7 dia.

"Oi, I eat your food laa aa sebab macam kau kenyang suda ni" he steals a full spoon of nasi goreng masak isi ikan saya. And the second time he wanted to 'steal' my food i hit him sambil angkat piring. "Baa eat bukan mau momusorou(mengelamun) "

Our times (Slow Update)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon