Chapter Fourty-Nine: His Choice

Start from the beginning

"Papa!" Roland's hushed whisper drew his father's attention. "Papa look." Perched on one chubby finger sat the yellow butterfly, it's wigs perfectly still.

"Does it tickle?" Robin asked, smiling as he watched Roland nod his head enthusiastically. The yellow butterfly flew away as Roland watched it in awe, standing still as the morning breeze blew his curly hair into even more of a mess than it already was.

Robin glanced back at the castle, the early morning sun glinting off of the stained glass windows that marked the ballroom and chapel. He knew that this morning was supposed to be the meeting on the war that was at hand. He also knew that he should probably be there. But Robin had no doubt in his mind that they'd start without him. And knowing that he owed it to Regina to be there, Robin slowly stood from his perch on the ground. "Let's go, Buddy." Robin reached out his hand to Roland, waiting for his son to join him.

"Papa, do you hear that?" Roland moved farther away from his father in curiosity. "Papa there's voices!"

Robin frowned, standing to meet his son by the forest's edge. Sure enough, there were voices coming from deeper in. Robin held a finger to his lips, sinking down as he lead his son closer to the noise.

"... it's the only way. Do you not think he'll be good to her?"

"It's not that. I know he will. But he's not royal. His son isn't royal. He's not trained to be King. He doesn't know the difference between a salad fork and a hair comb. What happens if they have kids? Who would be heir?"

"He's our best source for battle. He knows the kingdom and it's villages more than any and all of us combined."

Robin froze, his grip tight on Roland. A flash or red hair revealed itself before going behind the trees again. Branches and leaves crunched as Zelena and Graham walked through the woods.

"He doesn't even speak Latin!" Zelena protested. "How do you expect the Latin Princess to marry someone who has no idea where she comes from?" Zelena protested.

"He can learn." There was silence before Graham spoke again. "Do you have a better suggestion?"


"Then we will announce the marriage today at the meeting."

The idea of someone else demanding marriage between Robin and Regina made Robin ill. Marriage was supposed to be a bond between two people who loved each other. Between two people who had talked about it. Not some third party demanding the union. He couldn't let the idea of marriage come from anyone but himself.


Regina felt uneasy as she made her way down the main set of stairs. She hadn't allowed any of her maids to help her this morning, the fear from her dream still trickling through her veins. The skin around her abdomen felt sore from impact although she had convinced herself that nothing had really happened.

Breakfast wasn't an option, the smell of the early morning pastries made her feel even worse than before, so Regina decided to head out to the royal temple.

The warm, sun-kissed air brushed over Regina's skin as she marched through the gardens, squinting in the early morning light. A nice, cool breeze gently lifted the hair off of her neck as she walked towards the small building just before the hill. Stained glass of many different colors and shapes shone bright in the morning light.

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