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*phone ringing a little too loud*

"Instant Coffee Fix, How may I he-"

"There are not enough cranberries in my bagel"

"There shouldn't be cranberries in a bagel in the first place"

"It's on your menu"

"That doesn't mean I approve of it"

"I don't need your approval"

"You might not. But the cranberries in the bagels are just begging to be judged"

"Ugh. What do you have against my cranberries?"

"I don't have anything against your cranberries. I just don't think they belong in bagels"

"I think your café doesn't get many on-phone orders. You waste way too much time bullying me"

"Well. Of course not. People actually prefer to leave their houses to buy a coffee"

"Hardy har. Am I the only on-phone customer?"

"Pretty much. Except the old woman down the street who orders a strawberry shake thrice a week at 9 at night"

"No one else?"

"A few here and there occasionally but that's pretty much it"

"So why don't you shut down the delivery service?"

"Ah. But then how would I talk to you?"

" guys are continuing the service just so you can talk to me?"

"Well. I'm still doing this to talk to you. But the Boss doesn't need to know that"


(mumbles under breath) "God, that laugh"

"What was that?"

"Eh, nothing"

"Aren't you going to do anything about the lack of cranberries in my bagel?"

"I already sent a couple cranberry-rich bagels to your place. Free of charge"

"Why free?"

"To compensate for the lack of cranberries in your previous bagels and to make up for my continuous idiocy"

"Well. At least you admitted your idiocy"

"I couldn't lie to you"

"I should hope not"



*distant ringing*

"That's the door. Must be my new, free, compensation-ary, bagels"

"Must be. Bye Cranberry"

"Nice, new name. I like it. Bye"


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