Element 23

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Bianca's POV
Me and Chloe didn't talk after our fight. I knew she would be mad but I am naive.

"Bianca?" Stuti called.


"Chris called, he asked how are you feeling?"

"Like shit..." I got up off my bed and went to sit on my art desk. Stuti sat on my bed.

"Am I really naive?" I asked.

"No, I believe it's because you like Chris."


"Why? He's the bad boy, rude, cold hearted--"

"And nice, caring, and protective. " I finished. Now I realized I do like Chris. He was there when I needed him, he comfort me when I told him my past. He even stayed with me even if Gabriela is haunting me. Chris is...amazing.

"I do like him." Stuti smiled then pat my head.

"Talk to Chloe, she has something to tell you."

I nodded my head then went to Chloe's room. I knocked on her door and she opened it.

"I'm sorry Chloe!"

"I'm sorry for screaming at you. I know you hate being yelled at."

"Stuti said you have something to tell me?"

Her smile faded and was replaced with a frown.

"Yeah, it's about the note. The queen said to destroy the 5th element.."


"Gabriela is the 5th element" she finished.

Gabriela..the 5th element.
"We have to..kill her?"
Chloe nodded.

"But how is she..."

"I've done some research about the elements. Apparently controlling spirits is part of the elements. Gabriela said so herself in 7th grade when we met her. The reason it takes longer for the next elements to be born was because the holder of the spirits last longer then the rest of us. Also it said the gods made a mistake of creating the 5th element. It's power is dangerous, Gabriela is able to take charge in anybody. "

"So your saying Gabriela is a danger to the world?"


"But what about the past elemental holders?"

"The same exact thing happened. They had to kill the 5th holder. This will continue on for all eternity. "

This cannot be happening! This is crazy! I-I don't want to face her! She-she can appear any second now..

"Wait..who gave us these powers?" I asked.

"Uh the queen? Gods? I don't know, I don't think anyone even knows how. Why?"

"If we were given the powers by someone, can't they take it back?"

Chloe looked at me closely but then finally understood. She grabbed my hand and went to the living room.

"Stuti! Danah! " she called.

"What?!" They both said.

"Is there anyway we can contact the queen?" Chloe asked.

"so it was you who burned my seat when we were doing our project!" Tyler said to Chloe.

"I don't regret a thing." She smiled.

So basically we told the boys we have the elemental powers. Its better if we told them, we need to find Gabriela to 'destroy her' even tho I'm against killing her. If your wondering, we had to go to Tyler's place since he's still bruised and all. Chris was against me being near him but I managed to talk to him.

"So Chloe can make fire with her bare hands, Stuti can make tornados, Danah can make tsunamis, and Bianca can make mountains?!" Conner said. Me and the girls looked at each other then to the boys.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"And you tell us now because?...."

"Well, we might need help." Danah said.

"There's this girl....." and blah blah blah, Chloe told my story, about Gabriela, and the queens notes. Skip all that to their reactions.



"Ricecakeswithstrawberrychocolate." Tyler finished.

We all looked at him dumbfounded.

"What? I'm hungry!"

"Anyways...can y'all help?" Stuti asked.

"What can we do? We're just normal guys."
Conner said.

"True but if Bianca trusts you then we have to trust you."

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"Dude, since Gabriela betrayed her, she's more careful on who she trusts nowadays. " Chris explains.

"Does she trust me?" Tyler asked.

"No." I said.

"What! Why-"

"You fucking pointed a pair of scissors dumbass. "

"It's safety scissors! "

"She was stabbed by scissors by Gabriela! "


Imma just back away slowly...but Chloe grabbed my arm and pushed me to the front.
The boys looked at me.

"Uhh I-its okay, Chris. "

"Not when he triggered a memory.." he mumbled.

"I'm so sorry Bianca!!" Tyler cried.

"Is there anything I could do to make it up to you.."

"...by me Reece's every day for a 3 months?"


"He's good girls..."

"You and your chocolate obsession!!" Chloe yelled.

"I got it from my mother thank you!"

"It's the okay doll face, I can by you any candy you want. " Tyler said while putting and arm around Chloe.

"You have 5 seconds to get your filthy arm off me before I burn it." Tyler immediately backed away. The boys laughed and me and the girls giggled.

"We're getting off topic, do you girls have some sort of plan for all this?"

"No but I know one thing that is needed for you boys to do. Well Chris to be exact." Danah said.

"Why me?"

"Bianca said you can find people's number easily."

"He's a hacker to make it clear for y'all. " Conner said.

"What do I have to do? "

"Is there a way for you to find Gabriela's location? "

Chris smirked.

"Pieces of cake."


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