"Harry," she warns "maybe Tom-" she stops herself. "Um, I'm sorry Harry I just really want to go home."

"Just for an hour, I promise then I'll take you home!" I say hopeful that she'll change her mind.

She stares at me for a couple of seconds and before she slowly nods her head.


We both decided on going to a burger joint called Five Guys. We're now sitting in a booth across from each other, with the only communication being us making awkward eye contact once in a while. I don't know why things are so awkward between us, or why she's being so distance. Is it because of her confession? No it can't be that because the morning after she was completely fine.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She nods still looking at her menu.

"Melody look at me, please," I beg.

"I said I'm fine Harry," She snaps, still not making eye contact with me.

I drop the subject, not wanting to upset her any further. I nod, then I realize she's still not looking at me I say a simple "Okay" and continue looking through the menu.

I'm halfway done with my burger and Melody has only taken a few bites of hers. "Is your food okay?" I ask.

She nods.

"You eat slow," I tease. She smiles a bit

"These burgers are just huge!" She defends herself.

"Whatever," I say laughing.


"Ready?" I ask.


I start toward the car Melody following close behind me, I open door for her, then jog to my side and get in.

The car ride was spent in yet again, an awkward silence. I can tell Melody's holding something back, like she wants to tell me something. I don't want to make her mad, so I don't ask about it. The drive back to her flat is takes about ten minutes. I stop at the same brown flat I did last time.

"Thank you," she whispers.

"You're welcome."

"Thank you for everything Harry, you really are an incredible person I really appreciate everything you've done for me," she whispers.

I'm confused as to why where all this is coming from but I just say "Melody, you don't have to thank me, really. But you're welcome."

She nods getting out of the car but I stop her making her lean back into the car with a confused look on her face. I lean into her stopping a few inches away from her face. I look down at her full pink lips, but quickly return my gaze to her eyes. I lean in a little bit more so close that her lips rub over mine, lightly. I move my head to the side of her face planting a kiss on her cheek before turning back to my original spot. "You're an incredibly amazing and strong girl, Melody," I compliment. She closes her eyes momentarily, opening them back seconds later, A tear escapes her eye but I quickly wipe it away.

She backs away from my face, "Goodbye Harry," she whispers, getting out of the car without another word and disappears into what looks like a gate that leads to the backyard. I sigh and pull off.

I enter my garage, an turn my engine off I grab the handle of the door, but stop when something catches my eye in my peripheral vision; a folded piece of paper I grab it and unfold it quickly it reads:

"Dear Harry, I feel as I owe it to you to give you this letter. I truly do appreciate you Harry. You're the first person to ever show any kind of interest in me since, well...since ever.
And I need you understand this is not your fault. Death would be better then this constant fighting with my inner demons, and toxic thoughts, they were determined to win, determined to break me, determined to drain me of any kind of hope I had of It getting better; and they've finally won. I can't do this anymore. Every time I think I'll be okay, I end up falling apart again. Im done crying, fighting, trying I'm just done. I'm tired Harry, so tired. I'm sorry this is how I'm saying my goodbyes, you deserve much more then this but it's all I can give you. I need some rest, and I'm ready to finally go to sleep.

Goodnight Harry. Xx"

My heart is at the bottom of my stomach, I'm struggling to breath my tears are now soaking the letter. "No, no, no, no" is all I can manage to choke out. I hit the steering wheel multiply times while screaming multiple cuss words.

"Fuck melody, no, why? Oh my god" I scream as if she can hear me. As soon as I regain some of my sanity, I put my key into the ignition starting my car, and speed back into the direction back to Melody's flat, praying it's not too late.


Sorry it's short, but I'll
Update tomorrow, or Tuesday! Comment what you think of this story so far!?

Ok, I love you, and goodnight babes Xx

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