Chapter Eight - Interrupted

Start from the beginning

"So, what do you think?" She sounded nervous when she spoke.

"It's amazing." It truly was. "I didn't think rooms like this existed outside of movies."

"You don't think it's too much?"

"Look at you." I said. "Everything about you is too much. It's just part of your charm."

She closed the door and made her way over to sit on the bed.

"Would you like a biscuit?" She asked, holding up the packet she'd been holding since she opened the door.

"Sure." I sat beside her on the bed.

We ate the entire packet of biscuits – she ate most of them, I'm not even kidding. How can she eat so much and not be fat?

"So, I think you're about my size." She stood up and made her way over to the wardrobe. "What's your favourite colour?"


"Black isn't even a colour." She disappeared inside the wardrobe so I got up and walked to wards it. "It's the absence of colour. Don't you know how light works?"

"Apparently not." I mumbled as I watched her dig around in the wardrobe.

"Besides, you can't wear black tonight. It's too depressing." She said. "So, pick again."

"I don't know." I said. "How about you choose for me."

She hummed in acknowledgement and continued digging around in the wardrobe. She pulled several dresses out then shooed me out of the doorway.

"Okay. I've got a few here so you can choose." She dumped the dresses onto the bed. "How about you try them on so we can get an idea of what they look like."

The first dress she handed me was bright yellow and puffy.

"Can I say no without trying it on?" I asked.

"Nope. I want to see it." She pushed me and the dress into the wardrobe and closed the door. "Now change."

I removed my clothes and put the dress on. When I stepped out, Dakota burst out laughing.

"You're right." She said. "That one isn't you at all."

The next one was orange and fell to my knee.

"Do you really wear clothes this bright?" I asked as I stepped out.

"Of course." She said. "But you really shouldn't."

She rejected a few dresses without having me try them on. The next one was a floor-length dark blue gown. It looked nowhere near as ridiculous as the previous two.

"Maybe." She said. "But try this one on before we decide."

She handed a purple dress to me and I changed into it. Even I had to admit that it looked good – and I hated dresses. It was quite a dark shade, tight in the bodice, with spaghetti strap sleeves and a hear shaped neckline, and was loose in the skirt, where it fell to just above my knee. Dakota's jaw actually dropped when I stepped out.

"I think you look better in that one than I do." She said. "That is definitely the one."

"I doubt I look better than you." I said. "But I do like it."

"Okay. Go put your clothes back on." She said. "And we'll finish getting you ready."

I changed back into my clothes and walked out with the dress in my arms.

"First things first." Dakota said. "A shower. Grab some underwear out of the drawers in the wardrobe if you don't want to put what you're wearing back on."

I opened the drawers until I found the one with her underwear in it – you don't put dirty underwear on after a shower. I don't think I'd ever seen so much lace before in my life. Seriously, did the girl not own normal knickers? When I finally found a pair I thought would adequately cover my butt, I checked the size of one of her bras. She was the same size as me so I grabbed one out to wear as well.

"You'll find everything you need in there." Dakota said when I came out again. "There's a clean towel on the stool and I put a new razor on the sink in case you wanted to shave."

I was thankful for her thoughtfulness, I'd been wearing jeans so I hadn't bothered to shave.

"Oh, and just put one of the robes in there on when you're done." She said as I was about to close the door. "And leave your clothes in there for now."

When I was finished my shower, I dried off, put on the underwear I had borrowed and pulled on one of the robes. I tied the robe and folded my clothes, leaving them sitting in a corner on the floor. When I left the bathroom, Dakota was sitting there waiting to go in.

I sat awkwardly on her bed, wearing nothing but underwear and a robe, as she showered. I wasn't entirely sure what to do with myself. As I was sitting there, the door from the hallway opened and a boy, perhaps a few years older than myself, entered the room.

"You're not Dakota." He said when he saw me sitting there.


"Then why are you here?" He asked. "And wearing her robe?"


The bathroom door swung open and Dakota emerged wearing a robe identical to the one I was wearing.

"Francis, what are you doing in here?" She asked the boy.

"I wanted to know if you had any spare cotton buds." He said. "But there was a strange girl on your bed."

"Hello, right here."

"Exactly." He turned to face me again. "You're here. That's the problem."

"Calm down, Francis." Dakota said. "This is my friend, Alex."

He gave me a suspicious look then nodded his head.

"If you say so." He said. "So how about those cotton buds?"

Dakota went back into the bathroom and came back out with a box of cotton buds. She handed them to the boy.

"Is that all?" She asked.

"Yes." He said. "I'll bring them back when I'm done."

Dakota nodded and he left the room.

"Sorry about that." She said. "That's my brother."

I nodded, unsure what to say.

"Now." Dakota said. "Makeup."

She decided that she was going to do my makeup in her bedroom, where there were no mirrors, rather than the bedroom.

"I want it to be a surprise." She explained. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

She went into the bathroom and came out with several shoeboxes, presumably full of makeup. When she sat down across from me, she was sitting quite close. So close, I could see flecks of green in her blue eyes.

I couldn't help it. I found myself leaning in closer. To my relief, she did the same. Our lips were about to touch. I was going to kiss her. Butterflies were doing backflips in my stomach.

It was going to happen.

But then, the door swung open and she jumped back. My heart sunk. What had I done?

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