Writing Characters - Down and Dirty

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The more I write the more I realize how bad my writing is.  That's not meant to sound pathetic, it's just honest.  And if you're not having the same realization, you're either a prodigy, or you're not going to improve because you don't realize you need improvement (and chances are you do, desperately).  When I look back at what I've written in the past, I get a little embarrassed.  I made a lot of mistakes.  Now I know better, and in the  future, I hope to know even better than I do now.

Something I've realized needs a lot of work is my character portrayals.  Interesting people are complex.  Making up complex people is difficult.  The temptation is to make up characters who are really just an extension of the story, people who are only there to serve it.  But that makes for very simple and very boring characters.  

If you want to read a master of character creation, read Jane Austen. If you want to read a short article, look below.

Rating: 4/5

Homework: write a short story and hit as many of these tips as possible.

Link: http://io9.gizmodo.com/10-tips-and-tricks-for-creating-memorable-characters-1616544190

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