Chapter 10 Relax Sadie

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"RAWR!" Addie's giggles filled the room as I chased her with her pjs in my hand. Alice was working the overnight shift and Dani was out for the night so I offered to help Drake with Addie. I finally caught her lifting the shirt over her head before she could escape again. "Bedtime" I said hauling her to the bed. She pouted but got under the covers, it had been a week since the incident at the parole office and she seemed to have forgotten about what Drake had told her.

"Sadie can you stay with me." Her little hand gripped mine.

"Just till you fall asleep ok?" She nodded and I snuggled in next to her.

"Can you sing, my mom always sings." I'm not much of a singer but she's five I'm sure she won't mind. In nodded and she laid her head down. I racked my brain for something until Fleetwood Mac filled my mind. I closed my eyes,

"I took my love and I took it down,

I climbed a mountain and I turned around,

And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills,

Till the landslide brought me down."

"Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?

Can the child within my heart rise above?

Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?

Can I handle the seasons of my life?

"Well, I've been afraid of changing

'Cause I've built my life around you

But time makes you bolder

Even children get older

And I'm getting older too"

I let myself flow with the song and by the time I was done Addie was sleeping soundly beside me. I looked to her door to see Drake leaning against the frame, I blushed it wasn't like last time when the loud music drowned out my awful voice. I carefully got myself out of Addie's bed and walked out of her room and to Drake's, him hot on my tail. I flicked on his tv and laid down on his bed, I had slept over here a few times so I knew where he hid his remote. It seems weird because with Adam I had barley seen his bed while with Drake I was comfortable enough to stay over without a second thought.

"That was beautiful." He said from where he was leaning against the desk. I wasn't sure what he was talking about. "The song." He said erasing my confusion. I flushed again as he made his way over to the bed and laid down beside me. "Will you sing something for me?"

"No." I said quickly shaking my head. He leaned over closing the gap between us putting his lips close to my ear.

"What if I said please." His seductive voice sent shivers down my whole body making heat pool in my belly. I couldn't even remember what he said as I leaned my head back. He moved his body until it was hovering over mine. Just close enough to make goosebumps prickle my skin without the satisfaction of his touch. His warm breath traveled from my ear down my neck and to my shoulder. I couldn't take it anymore, I reached up and gripped his hair pulling him towards me. His lips came crashing down to mine as I used my hands to connect the rest of our bodies. He was laying between my legs as I sat up on the pillows. My small pajama shorts and his sweats were the only thing between our centers and we both continued to let our mouths move together.

I reached down and gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. The small separation of our kiss seemed to be too much for him and he hungrily met my lips again. I let a whimper escape as his rough fingers gently played with the skin that was peeking out between my shorts and shirt. We hadn't gone any further then this yet and I wasn't sure why I thought I could this soon into our relationship. It was different, he was different. I pulled away from him a bit, watching disappointment fill his features before I reached down and pulled my shirt off. The contact of his warm chest on mine made me loose my breath. He trailed his mouth down my neck, nipping the skin as he went.

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