9. Hogwarts Hit List - Best enemies.

Start from the beginning

James was one of the nicest people, a bit of an idiot with the pranks he pulled but his ideals where the exact same as Estella's, the exact same as Remus' and Sirius', knowing his best friend had grown up in an abusive household that thought those ideal's, he knew better, she hated having to be the one to tell him that his sister didn't know better.

If Remus did like her, she couldn't fathom having to tell him what she did, what she had said, that his mother was a muggle and Teresa spoke so lowly of them, it would crush his heart. It would crush him to know that the girl he liked thought those very thoughts and he didn't have any idea of it.

Teresa and Sirius where close, not as close as Estella and Sirius, but close enough that she knew Sirius would be broken to know that the girl thought the same as his family, that the bright bubbly Potter that he shared a house with over summer was blinded by the ideals set by the dark lord, that just like his parents, she had little - no, she had no respect for muggleborn's, or for muggle's.

"Miss Pettigrew, will you take Miss Potter to the hospital wing?" asked McGonagall, thinking that the least she could do for the girl she hurt was take her to get checked.

"No," Estella shook her head, glaring at Teresa who was clutching her nose. Estella would be lying if she wasn't refraining herself from doing more, "I'm not going near her."

"Why not?"

"She called me a mudblood, Professor," Theo spoke up, still holding onto Estella. She wasn't one for conflict, especially with someone so close to her, and her frustration had gotten the better of her, allowing the tears to roll down her cheeks.

McGonagall was entirely taken aback, hearing the word roll off Theo's tongue, and soon did she look down at the girl sitting on the desk, begging for some attention, some sympathy but no one was giving her it.

"Very well," McGonagall spoke coldly, "Miss Potter, I trust you know where the hospital wing is, once you get cleaned up, I'll send someone to take you to Professor Dumbledore's office."

Estella and Theo shared a look, he wasn't letting go of her. He had heard the word tumble from plenty of people's mouth, but the fact that Estella had to realise that her best friend thought the same as the dark lord's ideals, she was shaken up about it. Estella hated that she had to be the one getting comforted when the word was about Theo, and he wasn't in the slightest phased by it.

The fact that she had hurt her best friend - ex best friend, was something she wouldn't get over for a while but she wasn't worried about her, she was worried about the reaction of her brother, of Remus, of Sirius, even Peter who was somewhat close to the girl just like everyone else was.

"You two, come with me," McGonagall eyed the two of them, gesturing for them to follow her, and quickly did Estella grab her things, allowing Theo to take her hand and intertwine their fingers as they walked out of the great hall behind McGonagall.

"Now I don't know what you two are doing with the whole fashion statement," McGonagall spoke as she entered her classroom, gesturing to the muggle clothes adorned on the two teenagers.

"I think we look pretty good, Professor," Theo shrugged, "Estella does anyway."

Estella nudged him roughly, trying her best to ignore her flushed cheeks whilst the smirk widened on his lips, and Estella soon shook her head.

"Sorry, Professor," Estella sighed, taking a step forward, "we aren't doing this to get into trouble, even though that's what seemed to be happening, we do have a point to this."

"Very well, we'll get back to that," McGonagall nodded, looking at them over her rounded glasses, "as much as this school doesn't, in the slightest, tolerate the prejudices against muggle's and muggleborn's alike, Estella that doesn't mean that you can resort to violence each time someone utters that vile word!"

"Yes, well, Professor, when people think stuff like that, the only way to get it into their head that they're wrong is smashing it against a wall...or table." It was at that moment that Theo was sure he was a slightly bad influence on the girl, seeing her hands on her waist, she wasn't backing down from the stern gaze the professor was giving her.

"Miss Pettigrew, I am on your side, I am on both of your sides," McGonagall sighed, "but when you use violence, you're going to end up in a lot of trouble from angry parents."

"Teresa's parents will be nothing but angry, with her, Professor," Estella frowned, "I-I know them well."

"I know, Estella, I'm sorry," she tutted, "I will make sure her parents know the truth of what happened before they hear her side of it."

Estella nodded, she respected the Potters, she loved them like second parents, but she knew how heartbroken they would be that their daughter thought the same twisted thoughts as the dark lord, as the cruel purebloods.

"Now, this," McGonagall gestured to the muggle clothing.


"I'll handle it," Estella chuckled, patting Theo's chest, who in turn just smirked, raising his hands in surrender and allowing her to talk.

"I live in a muggle village, Professor, and I wear muggle clothing because its much cheaper, Theo wear's muggle clothing because he is a muggleborn. I noticed before, but Theo opened my eyes that pureblood's - the ones who think they're better than everyone else, look down upon me, and upon him and upon most who wear muggle clothing at weekends, and when Theo first came to this school dressed in something opposite of robes, they acted as though it was a horrible sight.

And I mean come on," she was smirking as she gestured to a grinning Theo, "it's not exactly a horrible sight."

"Miss Pettigrew, you can compliment your boyfriend later, get to the point," McGonagall sighed.

"Oh he's not my boyfr-" she cut herself off when McGonagall raised her eyebrow, "anyway! We are wearing these as a statement, Professor, that even though these clothes are muggle clothes, worn and made by muggles, that doesn't make us any less magical, that doesn't make me any less a witch, and him any less a wizard, it's not to do with me in the slightest, I'm just helping out.

Theo is a muggleborn, but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to be here, he's smart, and highly skilled and in muggle clothes or not, he can still perform in classes excellently!"

McGonagall thought for a few moments, staring between the two students in front of her, and with her shoulders slumped, she finally spoke, "very well, but you two better keep out of trouble or I'll have no choice but to give you more detentions."

"Thank you, Professor!" Estella grinned, bidding the professor a goodbye and quickly grabbing Theo's hand before McGonagall could possibly change her mind.

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