Online Persona?

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I can't keep a constant design for me. I need you guys' help! Here's some ideas:


 ~Braided (Not a common hair style on me but my friends say I look adorable with braids. Plus I'm wearing them at the time I'm writing this.)

~Pigtails (Actually really common on me. Whether they're high pigtails or low pigtails, I kinda alternate.)

~Ponytail (I used to wear this hairstyle all the time when I was younger. Nowadays, I only really wear it when it's hot or my hair is all greasy and I have no time to wash it.)

~Just wear it down (Also common on me. Sometimes I put hairclips or a headband in my hair to keep it out of my face.)


~Hoodie (Okay, rant here. I love hoodies. They're comfortable and warm. I have a gazillion of them. My favorites are this pink zip up hoodie I got for my birthday like two years ago that I ADORE because it reminded me of Momo Kisaragi and a Totoro hoodie I got for Christmas. Rant over.)

-Just a shirt (But it's gotta be SPARKLEY. If it's not a hoodie, it's SHINY. It's just apart of my style.)

-Shirt with a jacket (My favorite things ever in late 7th grade and early 8th grade was a faux leather jacket that I wore everyday. It eventually got replaced with a jean jacket that was slightly too big on me, but I've grown into since then.)


~ Boots (Another favorite thing of mine is boots. I wore boots to school all the time. Except on gym days. I wore these pair of boots so much they're all scuffed now.)

~ Sneakers (I like sneakers p much too. I have this pair of green and pink ones that I love to put with these pink and green socks. Because sometimes you gotta match a little.)

Should I put my glasses? Sometimes I love 'em, sometimes I hate 'em. And I'll probably put shorts too bc I love shorts and leggings. I am indifferent towards jeans and I hate skirts unless I'm wearing shorts under them.

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