Chapter 16: A Letter to Home

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Dear mom,

I know that I have not written since I got here, but so much has happened and I wish I could tell you everything. It has been a very exciting adventure here. I met some amazing friends and you will be happy to know that Eric is here and he has been watching out for me. I miss you and dad so much. I really can't wait till I can go home and see you guys again. Hope your not too mad at me. I know that this all happened so fast and that we did not have time to talk about it, but I promise that everything is okay and I will write more often now. My new friend is from Alaska and she has told me all about her and her family. It is so interesting and I know that you would love to meet her. She is a cool person. By the way, tell Ally I miss her and that I can't wait to see her. When I get home, we will sit down and talk and hopefully you will be willing to allow dad over so we can talk as a family. Well, I better end this letter now or I won't stop later.

Love sincerely,


I sent the letter off and sat on my bunk playing with a loose string on my blanket. I had shed a few tears as I wrote the letter, but I missed her so much that I wanted to just spill everything. I missed my dad as well, but he had not written and since we were not allowed to use cell phones, I had to assume it was because he did not know where I was. My mom probably did not tell him thinking he was not mature enough to handle it. I hoped that wasn't the case, but with them, you never know.

I had been in bed for a whole week now and had to listen to all the stories of the soldiers who survived the battle saying how close they were to being killed and that Toby once again escaped. I could just see Eric's face knowing we failed once again. He loved to get the job done and failing was a huge down fall for him. He never handled it well. I mostly stayed in the bunk while Frost brought me all my meals and since Project 438 was attacked, our classes were canceled and instead, everyone was to help clean up the mess left behind. I felt so useless lying in bed not being able to help, but the shot wound had gotten infected and it caused me to have to remain in bed longer. It was miserable since I was not used to being in bed all day and a week was a killer for me. Rose seemed agitated at my having to stay in bed all week, but remained silent knowing arguing about it would get her punished. I hated it myself.

"I brought you a better lunch today. Yogurt, broccoli, and celery. Eat up because dinner will be served later today and you need your strength."

I nibbled on my broccoli and sipped the water, but my appetite was not the same since I was shot. I ate less and was pretty sure I lost a lot of weight. Frost sat beside me and picked at the loose string that I was messing with.

"They are sending us out again to find Toby and this time, they want him captured. Captain Smith has lost his patience with us and Eric has been hearing it every day so far."

"And the person who betrayed us?"

Frost shrugged and looked at me. "Not sure yet. There have been no leads to who it was, but whoever it was is very good with computers, because they entered the facility's database and sent it to Toby. Well, that's what Rose thinks anyway."

My thoughts were right. Someone had to be good with computers because Project 438 was very secretive about their facility and for it to be known to the enemy just meant we were betrayed by one of our own. I really wanted to know who it was.

"We will find them soon. I know we will and you will be better to help us. Eric has been asking how you have been feeling. I think he is still in love with you."

I smiled and looked down thinking of how he looked at me the day I was shot. I saw love and admiration in his eyes and he had made sure that I was safe before he left my side. Was it possible that he loved me and finally it was not only me that was in love? I wanted it to be true but didn't want to get my hopes up in case it wasn't true. I would just get hurt again and that was worse the second time.

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