Chapter 13: The Chosen

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I got through most of my studies on Monday, but when lunch came around, everyone tensed and picked at their food. It was the day where the list of the chosen teens were to be hung up. I was nervous and kind of hoped my name wasn't on it, but another part of me wished it was so that I could quickly get out of here. So far it was great and I had no issues. Even Rose and Speckle quit targeting me as their victim. They chose to keep to themselves maybe hoping that they would get chosen. I discovered that being chosen to go out on a mission was an honor and hey it feels like the army and serving your country is important, but I never imagined I would be so young doing something like this. On free time, the teens that I have spoken with were normal teens talking about normal things, but in the gym, they were killing machines ready to take on the enemy. I never saw anything like it. Even sweet Frost had a mean side. I discovered that she was good with knives and a lot of that probably came from the hunting she has done. My mom never taught me stuff like that because we took advantage of getting our food at the store. But here, knowing all those skills, was worth it.

I ate my lunch slowly today thinking of the list. Frost could not stop talking about it. Every five minutes, she would look at the bulletin and say, "I wonder when they will bring the list out. I can't wait." Neither could the rest of the cafeteria because they kept looking at the bulletin as well. Frost tapped her nails on the table ignoring her untouched food. I was so hungry right now that I would have taken hers but did not want to come off as a pig.

"How can you eat at this time? Aren't you excited?"

I looked at her with a mouth full of salad. "Not as excited as everyone else. It's not like it will reflect the rest of your life. I am sure there are more missions."

That seemed to anger her a little. "But this one is the most important. They have been wanting this guy forever. I think it will be the only mission that truly matters." She grabbed her fork and dug into her potato salad taking a huge bite then thrusting her fork close to my face. "You will learn the importance of each mission and which one is totally worth it. You're not down about this because of Eric, are you?"

Yes. I feel I was a little, but I didn't want to keep going on about it. I was doing good so far pushing him from my mind and taking care of my studies. I had not seen him all day and I liked it that way. Every time I saw him, it was just a reminder of how hurt he left me.

"No, but I am not making myself sick worrying about this."

Frost took a few more bites then shoved her tray back. She was about to say more when Rose walked up with a mean look on her face.

"Are you crazy? The missions are a big part of why we are here. If you don't get chosen, you're showing the others how pathetic you are. I can see why you wouldn't get chosen, but for the rest of us, we have hope."

I rolled my eyes at her remembering Tracy and how she said things similar to this. Being on top was her goal and if she did not make it to the top, she swore her life was over. I never understood it, but then again, I never wanted to be on top all the time.

"Do you think that you will get chosen Speckle?" Frost asked her setting her fork down.

Speckle took a minute to answer then nodded. "Of course I will be chosen. Sergeant Peters is impressed with most of my skills and Rose would be joining me. It's all in what you can do. By the way Lizzie, I hear you're wanting to be called Sporty now. Never liked the Spice Girls and you just proved to me why I don't." They chuckled and walked off. I looked at Frost telling her I told her so, but she just smiled and stood up.

"I told you that you will get attention with that name. Don't change it now. People already know it and will call you that for now on."

I could have smacked her and demanded my name be changed but that would only get me punished and I was doing good so far without getting in trouble. We dumped our trays and before we left, Sergeant Charles hung the list up. It was a blur as people ran past me to the bulletin. Everyone started pushing and shoving and yelling at one another. It was like a stampede. I should have been as excited as everyone else, but I stood there watching and when I saw Frost walk towards me with a smile on her face, I knew then that she was chosen. When the crowd cleared, I walked to the bulletin and lucky me, found my name at the bottom right under Rose's name and they even named me Sporty.







Lizzie a.k.a. Sporty

My luck sucked here.

Everyone talked about it in the showers. Rose was sure to brag about it to the ones not chosen. I just stayed back and listened not wanting to comment on anything. I brushed my hair then braided it down the back wanting to get out of there quickly. Frost was standing by her bunk when I came out reading a letter. I had forgotten that I was to receive a letter from Ally if she sent one. I just might write my dad as well. Frost ignored me as I slipped my boots on and fixed my shirt. Whoever wrote her, must have written an amazing letter because she was so into it that she did not notice me there. When she did, she slipped the letter into her back pocket and smiled.

"Congratulations on getting chosen. Can you believe that Speckle got listed first? Rose was so mad at first but then turned it around to her advantage. This is so exciting."

She sat on her bed and smoothed her blanket. Training for today was shortened to an hour so that everyone could celebrate who got chosen. I didn't want to celebrate but sat on my bed watching Frost.

"My parents would be so proud of me if they could see me today. Maybe one day, you can meet them."

I didn't know what my parents thought yet, but I did wish to tell them soon. My dad would have been proud, but he supported me no matter what. My mom would not feel the same I'm sure. She was probably still mad about me leaving in the first place.

Frost climbed up into her top bunk and fell asleep instantly, but I thought of my parents as I walked to the lobby to get my mail. Frost's parents must have been understanding because she seemed to smile every time they sent her a letter. Maybe they were telling her how proud they were of her.

I was reaching for my mail when Eric stepped beside me. "Congratulations Sporty. You got chosen. Everyone's talking about it."

I ignored him and went through my mail. "I think I would rather be called Sport and aren't you always chosen?"

"It's not as exciting as it is for you guys. I get chosen because I am the best and it's my job to get chosen. You guys get chosen to start you out."

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. The way Rose flirted with him, it was obvious he was the hot shot here. If that was so, my mouthing him was going to get me in some big trouble. He grabbed his mail as well and looked at me.

"You might like it here after this mission. Realize it's not so bad."

I doubted that. "Maybe, but I loved my life back at home and thankfully, some people won't be in it anymore."

I walked off leaving him staring after me. That was harsh and I did feel about it, but the anger for him was still there and no matter how hard I tried to hide it, it would be there waiting to make some rude comment as if I was slapping him in the face. Maybe I would enjoy it after this but I did not want to say just yet.

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