I use to be..

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I use to be a slut.
I will be truthful on that.
I have no way of telling you that I will be able to make you happy all the time or that you won't lose interest in me, because I know things change.
Be patient, be understanding, and be who you are....then we may just get through this and give it a try.
I will have my moments, as most people do, and I will be a handful at times.
But doesn't that make life interesting?
I use to be happy all the time.
I use to have a man in my arms that said he would always love me....
But i know things change...i know people change.
I'm a big girl....if you break my heart....just do it then run away. I can pick up my own pieces. I don't need someone to glue me back together...i have duck tape.
Let me be me...snd I'll let you be you.
Smile...for It's another day.....
Laugh...because you met a crazy woman...
And be happy with knowing that this isn't the end of the world.

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