Simone Conspiracy Theory

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This is just a theory I've been mulling over.

What of Simone is real but has been groomed into becoming a mythical and tricking everyone or was a young mythical kidnapped and brainwashes by the hunters?

It would make sense to use her after all she's supposedly only twelve and we would all feel protective over her when she is getting stalked by a random account run by "hunters". We'd all proven there point by rallying for her and then they'd just check are accounts for mythical diaries and mythical reading lists.

It was all a clever ruse to trick us into revealing informed about ourselves to track us down, make us scared of every little thing, band together and would be like offering ourselves on a platter.

Think of how long this could of gone of no one caught onto there symbol and the tumblr suicide poem. Did they just get sloppy or had they got enough Intel on our mannerisms.

Another theory I've heard is that Simone is a young hunter of the daughter of hunters which would mean that now hunters are using there own children to manipulate us. Which is just all types of fucked up.

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