;_; Dream

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Okay I had a really weird dream last night. I thought it was just a weird dream but now I'm having second thoughts.

I was in some place with like lots of fire, lots of it. I was on my phone (?) I think and suddenly I was sucked into this place with fire. At first I thought I was just dreaming about hell with me seeing what i believe to be the devil but now I don't know. Then we talked but I can't remember what we talked about at all. Suddenly he sent me back and I was still in the flames but looking at my hands, shaking!


Since I was caught in the fire it said my transition will be difficult. But I wasn't burned or it wasn't raining fire so it wasn't a bad sign. This might have to do with the subs I've been listening to but them the devil...

I'm not religious at all and I'm angonistic but I should still be scared of the devil sending me some hellish place! But I wasn't I was just talking to him which means I'm going to be tempted and will suffer something that will force me to do something I'd never want to. It said I'm going to suffer morality issues.

God this is fucked up.

My hands where shaking as if I got scared at the end and I remember be pulled out of dream forcefully like someone grabbed me from behind and yanked me out. I woke up wondering what happened and Abel to fully remember it which is odd since I barely remember my dreams.

Anyway I'm continuing the sub's and soon I want to find out what I heard. It was calm and ten towards the end I got scared as if I was being warned about something. The worst thing is that I was sending messages on some messenger thing maybe Kik I can't remember anymore. All I know is in was scared when I sending them...

Tell me what you think

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