
The next day Harry was laughing at his two friends. Niall seemed quite proud, despite his clothes being skin tight. Harry's clothes did not fit Liam at all. They were too short and small for Liam's tall big body.

"Love the new style." Josh teased as Niall winked at him. "Hot, huh?" Niall joked oblivious to Josh's flushed cheeks. Harry smirked while he and Liam nudged each other, then nudged Josh.

"A-anyways, wanna run a few drills before class?" Josh asked as Niall smiled. "I'll race you." He challenged while Josh laughed.

"See you in class, Harry." Niall called before running down the hall, Josh in tow. "Young love, it's so cute." Harry said with a sigh as him and Liam smiled fondly.


As they walked down the hall, Harry was attached to Liam's arm. "And then Abbi was like 'I have every right to do so'. I a hundred percent disagree with her, but I still love her." Harry said as Liam nodded even though he wasn't really paying attention.

"Lllliiiiiiiaaaaaammmmm." Niall dragged on as he ran up to the pair. "Josh gave me some candy, and we're gonna go to some cool place after school. You guys wanna come?" Niall asked with a bright smile.

"Sur-" Liam said but Harry elbowed him. "Sounds great, but you should go with Josh yourself." Harry said as Liam agreed quickly. Niall frowned and looked at them suspiciously.

"Are you guys gonna do some crazy spy mission you don't want me to know about?" Niall asked randomly and before Liam could answer Harry nodded.

"Obviously, Niall. Come on we have class now." Harry said as Niall whispered an 'I knew it', under his breath.


"Zayn I have a question!" Harry screamed as he ran over to the boy. Zayn just starred at him, waiting for Harry to finally reach him. He watched Harry stop midway, taking a breath, then continuing down the hall.

"What is it Harry?" Zayn asked when the curly haired lad stood in front of him panting. "What-what are you going to do, when Liam forgives you?" He asked while trying to even out his breathing. "Oh my god, I'm never running again." Harry panted with a grimace.

"Wing it." Zayn shrugged before continuing down the hall. Harry furrowed his eyebrows with a confused face.

"So you're just going to apologize, and if he forgives you, you'll just wing it?" Harry asked as Zayn nodded with a little shrug. "Yeah I guess, now I gotta go, me and Gigi are discussing ways to get him to forgive me."

"Why don't you just talk to him like a normal person?" Harry asked with a roll of his eyes. "That's my last resort, if all fails."

"But all has failed." Harry said as Zayn began walking away. "Great idea, Harry, really great, now I gotta go." Zayn said running off. Harry sighed, some people are just clueless. Harry turned around began his way to class, just has someone decided to shove past him. He looked up and could see two boy walking past him. Louis and that other guy, the guy glared at him while Louis kept his head down.

Harry ran a hand through his with a soft sigh before continuing to class. He didn't want to think about Louis, and what had happened. He lived in a very accepting town, and rarely ever got treated in such a way. So, when Louis yelled at him, it hurt like hell. Is that why he kissed him, just to mess with him. Get Harry to fall for him, then break him down. Would someone actually plan something like that just to get a laugh. Well it happens in fan fictions. Maybe Harry is Louis' next big story.

Harry bit his lip and inhaled deeply and slowed down a bit. People are just bad and there's nothing you can do about it. He told and hugged himself. He didn't want to go to class, or anywhere, he just wanted to sit down in the near empty hall and think over everything. He hasn't really done that since the event. Niall and Liam did a good job of distracting him from Louis.

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