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👓I will order now p' so that you will just eat when you arrive.😀😀😀

🏀Okay. Thanks Yo.😂😊

👓So, what do you want to eat?🍚🍛

🏀Hmm, I want some papaya salad, some pork, and some shrimp. I want to eat sushi, but your cafeteria does not serve it.🍱🔪

👓555. We need to go to a restaurant if that's what you want to eat, only if we can afford it considering your lunchbreak. Can I order just anything?😹😹😹

🏀Yes. Well, maybe we can go there later tonight?😺

👓Sure. Anyway, you forgot your favorite drink.😳

🏀Aw yeah! Pink milk! Do I still need to remind you for that? I thought, you being my constant meal buddy, should passively order it for me.😛

👓Alrightttttttttttt. I did not whine, I just reminded someone.😶

🏀Khaw thot na khrap.😉😋😗

Just hurry up. I am already hungry! 😤😤😤

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