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🏀I am going to you Yo. My classes just ended.

👓Huh? I thought you won't be available until 5pm p'.

🏀Oh, the professors just gave us something to work with, some assignments to pass tomorrow.

👓I see. Ming and p'Forth are also leaving. They are about to go totheir classes. Do you wan them to wait for you?

🏀Oh no. Just let them go already. We do not want them to be late for their classes right? Just tell them my thanks for taking care of my shorty.

👓Hmp p'!!!!!

👓They said you're welcome. Why did you call me that again?

🏀Why can't I? I love calling you that. And it sounds so cute.

👓Hmmp! Nooooooooo!

The Textmates: Windstruck | 2moonsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora