lets take a moment

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all night I was up, I couldn't sleep much. you wanna know why?

part of the reason I was saved is dead.

part of the reason I was saved is dead

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this beautiful man is dead.

he took his own life, but he saved mine. and now I wish it was my life gone instead of his.

he saved so many people through his music, he brought so many smiles to people's faces. I wish he could've also saved his life as well...

I had a dream last night: I imagined Chester Bennington hanging himself. I was there, I saw everything...and I just couldn't wake up from that damn dream.

when someone decides to end their life, that makes me sad, so so sad. no one deserves their life to be taken away. no one should have to get to the point in life where they feel like suicide is the only option.

if anyone reading this is thinking about committing suicide, please talk to me. no one deserves their precious life to be taken away.

stay alive |-/

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