Kiss Of Love or Luck

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It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that
Sanctifies (Make Free From Sin or Guilt) ‘You’

** At College Playground **

Pragya was been there for the past three hours; drown in her thoughts which were filled in her mind from morning.

“I love you Pragya. I love you so much and I want this luck to be in my side throughout my life. I want to entwine not only with your luck, but also with you. Will you be there for me?”
Abhi’s words were still in her mind and heart. She was struggling with this havoc created by him.

He had given her the time to think and decide, he was not compelling her. He advised her to listen to her heart and decide like how she came to sports room to wish him, as the same he asked her to decide which she feels right for her life.

Before leaving her from the sports room, he had stopped near the door; he turned and saw her looking stunned and confused with his sudden confession of love. He said ‘My every word is from my heart Pragya, and my love is true. It is not out of luck anywhere, I felt I love you and I confessed it and I will love you till I last in this world.’

She didn’t expect this from him, she do agree that she like him and she felt content when he acknowledged her presence and confronted that she was his ‘lucky charm’ but love which was she didn’t dreamt about for.

The whole day she was distracted by Abhi’s thought and she couldn’t concentrate on the classes. She excused from the class informing that she wasn’t well. She went to library and tried to read some books which were related to her project. Even she tried she couldn’t come out of the thought of Abhi. The kiss was still lingering in her thoughts and she could feel her cheeks heating up with the blush.

After a lot of struggle with her heart and mind, she came to playground in early evening around 3 PM; she sat under the tree’s shadow. Many days she had seen Abhi playing football, and she remembers how all the students and other players had appreciated and applauded for his talent and for his playing skills. ‘He would have completed his selection now. What would be the result? Is that true that I am his lucky charm? Does my luck would help him to get select in this music contest?’ her thoughts wandered around his selection and her mind strikes with the reality.

She decided what would she answer him for his confession, so finally feeling little clear of her thoughts she started back to home.

** At Evening – Daffodils Apartment **

“Di, I have bought all the groceries as you listed and also this is the list (handover a list) which contains about the favorites of Abhi bhai, come on prepare soon for dinner” said Bulbul with excitement.

Abhi had been selected in the music selection it was indeed happy news, and Pragya couldn’t control Bulbul’s dancing excitement of hearing that Abhi got selected. Pragya had finally agreed that ‘I am his lucky charm and Our Kiss did worked

“Ok Bulbul, just relax, help me for preparing it. And please stop jumping here and there” said Pragya holding the grocery bag and entered inside the kitchen.

Bulbul had gathered information about Abhi’s favorite from Arjun and Purab. Abhi knew that he gonna have dinner at Bulbul’s residence and it was going to be prepared by her sister. But Abhi Purab and Arjun don’t know that Pragya was Bulbul’s sister.

It was nearing night; Bulbul got a call from Abhi.

“Hey Tweety, we are in the entrance and this stupid watchman weren’t allowing us inside, come down soon”
“Ah! Bhai wait I will come” said Bulbul and turned to Pragya. “Di, that watchman didn’t allow them inside let me go and pick them up, you get ready with the arrangements” Pragya nodded. “Go slowly; I will take care of things”

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