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Crap! I forgot about him. Dang it!

I titled my head slightly to see him and the beautiful woman who's sat across him.

"Anthony, Hi." I smiled, pretending that nothing happened yesterday.

"Josephine." He merely nodded dismissing my act and looking behind me where Robin is.



Things went silent and totally awkward. I cleared my throat before anything could get to serious. They ignored me and continue to stare at each other with their jaws clenched.

I sighed, irritably and look at Hiedi, who looks confused and totally clueless. Poor girl.

Her eyes met mine and I smiled which made her smile despite the confusion drawn on her face.

"Since its rude for you to not introduce us. Perhaps we'll just get to know each other." I glared at Anthony, who's attention was already on me. "I'm Josephine Adeliade Wright, Anthony's ex-wife."

She gasped but she just smiled instead of frowning or glaring at me. "I'm Hiedi Evans, just a friend of Anthony's." She introduce not mentioning about being the sex toy of my ex-husband. I honestly like her already. She's not like one of those ladies that Anthony brings home at night.

"It's so nice to meet you, Hiedi, as much as I would love to stay and chat but I got to go. I'll see you around." I smiled a friendly smile as I stood up and marched out of the restaurant but not after glaring at the boys who are watching me walk away.

When I'm fully out of the restaurant. I dialed Sophie's number and thank God that she picked up after the second time it rang.

"What do you want, bitch?" She scowled.

"I need a ride as soon as possible, brat."

"Grab a taxi!"

"I can't wait that long. I need to leave ASAP." I'm almost begging as I stated that I really need to leave.

"Give me one good reason why you wanted to get out of wherever you are right now."

"Ex-husband problem." I answered.

"Just ask him a ride so you can both catch up. I'm busy anyway." She laughed and then I heard her moan.


"Sophie! You know- Hey!" I glared at Anthony, whom I didn't notice that he was just right behind me and snatched my phone.

"I'll take her home." He said sternly then hung up.

"What the fuck is wr-" He interrupted me by grabbing my hand and shoving me inside his car that I haven't notice it until now.

Where the heck is Robin?!

He then got inside, looking straight ahead. I glared at him but he just ignored me like I was a ghost.

Feeling pissed of being ignored. I turn my head away from him and look outside the window. I feel like crying! Damn it! Everytime I'm pissed I would end up in tears. One of the reason I hate myself for it.

And everytime I'm pissed when we're still together he would just kiss it all away or suprise me and bring me to places I've never been.


"Ugh! Why does she got to be a bitch all the time!" I ranted.

"Damn her and her stupid fashion style." I mocked in a high pitched girly voice.

My Ex-Husband at My Brother's WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now