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Guilt, sadness, loneliness, hurt, happiness, anger, jealousy and many more different emotions. That's what I feel right now as I watch a one big happy family together eating and laughing.

The little girl eating while her parents watched her with awe and a smile on their faces. My Athena doesn't have that kind of family and its because of me. I think I'm being unfair for my child and her father. Even though I hate him for what he did, I still love him until now. The moment I saw him last night, it all comes back to me and it hunts me that I didn't tell him about her. I feel kind of guilty for Athena growing not knowing who her father is and for Anthony who doesn't have a single clue that he had a daughter until last night.

"Mwommy you okay?" My little darling asked causing me to look at her.

"I'm fine, baby. Now are you finish with your sandwich?" I smiled. She's very observant at her age and she doesn't act like a normal kid sometimes. She's shy and she doesn't talk to those who's she's not closed to.

"Yes, mwommy. It delicious." She smiled.

I wiped her mouth with the tissue and then I grab my bag and bring out my wallet to pay the bills. I put my payment on the table and lift Athena from her chair and carried her outside.

"Walk." She demanded and wiggled trying to get off of my arms.

I put her down and hold her hand. We began to walk towards the playground.


I sat on the bench as I watch Athena play and a little girl at her age gets near her, asking her name. She looks at me as if asking for my permission and I nodded with a smile. The little girl kind of remind me of my old friend with her beautiful face.

"Go on." I mouthed.

She smiled shyly at the little girl with red hair and they start talking. It's adorable for her to make friends. She's just so cute. She might look alot like her father but she also got some of her features from me and my mother her pouty lips from her grandmother and the shape of her eyes from mine with that long and thick eyelashes of hers.

She's so beautiful and thank God for she doesn't look a lot like me.

At the corner of my eye I saw someone sat beside me and I turn my head to look who it was and I saw a beautiful strawberry blonde hair with a familiar face. She turn to face me and our eyes widen as we stared at each other.

"Josephine!" She exclaimed. "Where have you been all this time?!"

"Umm... I-" I trailed off not knowing what to tell her. She was my best friend and the sister of my ex-husband.

Before I could open my mouth she hugged me so tight and I can hear her sob. "I missed you." She sobbed. I couldn't resist and so I hugged her back.She's about my age and a classmate of mine in college.

"I missed you too, Abigail." We then let go and smiled at each other.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

I look away from her and to Athena, who's still talking with her new friend.

I heard her gasped. "Is she..." She trailed off.

"Yes she is." I answered.

"Does he know?" She asked.

"Just last night." I answered. "Abigail, I'm so sorr-"

"Oops! Stop saying you're sorry, Adi." She said using my nickname. She looked over to where Athena is and smiled. "Its not your fault."

"She's very beautiful, Adi." She commented.

My Ex-Husband at My Brother's WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now