My Goals For Summer (List)

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# Spend at least 48 hours in the pool

# Sleep at least 900 hours (I'm going to have about 2481 hours of summer. Which is about 103.375 days of summer. That's .625 less summer than Phineas and Ferb got. If I spend 900 hours sleeping {which by the way is only about 60 hours more than a normal person} I will spend about 65.875 days awake. I can be good at math when its important!)

#Go to at least 4 different states

# Stay awake for 72 hours straight

#Start and finish 10 completed anime I haven't seen before

#Clean my Room (most likely won't happen)

#Spend at least half my awake time out of the House (Work and the pool time don't count)

#Get a hold on my additions (I can stop being awesome when I wanna!)

#Be amused at an amusement Park

#Go trick or treating (pfff I don't care if its summer!)

#Write a song

#Break a world Record

#Make a movie

#fan 40 thousand people

#Lay in the road in the middle of the night

#Go to Starbucks for the first time (Yep, That's right! I haven't been! Even though there are 3 of them less that a mile or so from my house)

#Go the speed limit on the Highway (That one might get me killed. Nobody, but first time drivers and some old people go the speed limit. You have to go at least 5 or 10 over to keep from getting ran over.)

#Cover a wall in post it notes (with stuff written on them)

#Water balloon fight! (Last person dry wins!)

#Cover the street in chalk drawings

#Make a Tumblr ( I don't know why I want one, but I do! I also have no idea what to make one about. I'm taking suggestions.)

#Build a fort like I used to when I was little (We would hang old sheets in the trees and make walls out of cardboard and straw to keep them up.)

#Get a tattoo (of What, I have no clue)

#Be awesome (Always and Forever!)

#Do something Important

#Beat my Spider Solitaire High Score of 1288.

# Watch Iron Man one and two ( For some reason I can't make myself watch this movie)


#Do something with my cap and Gown from when I graduated high school ( It has been sitting in the same place since I took it off nearly 2 years ago. I kinda want to find out how long it could stay there untouched, but I think if it stays something might happen to it. And when I get old it might mean something to me. I didn't find graduation to be fun at all. It was 2 hours of boring! I had to wait forever to get my named called an after that there was still a billion more people to go. I hope college graduation is better)

#Cut down on my random mini rants (such as the one above)

#Call in on one of those selling shows like QVC, where they let the caller's voice be heard and then after tell everyone that I'm famous

#Answer everything with Why for a day

#Watch every rated R movie that came out the year I was born

#Watch Every original movie that came out in 2011 (meaning it can't be a remake, a squeal, based off a book or even a true story. In the end I might get to check this one off without doing anything)

#Grow a beard ( I tried doing this before, but never done it because of where I work and the fact that it grows in really light at first and looks like my skin is falling off. Plus with it being summer it might get hot)

#Get my wisdom teeth pulled ( that's not at all my choice! I hate the dentist but they are a necessary evil. But really what kid wants to be a dentist when they grow up? A sick and twisted one that's what type! They have perfect teeth because the didn't eat candy as a kid and want to get back at the people that did!)

#add to the list

#Do at least on thing on this list (Which will most likely be the sleeping one!)

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