After two hours of being poked and prodded I have a full face of make up including black and gray smoky eyes and a dark red lip. My long black hair is curled in ringlets down my back and I am wearing a green crop top, gray ripped skinny jeans, and three inch black stilettos.

The guys all look great as well. Cam is wearing dark wash jeans with a black sleeveless shirt that say's Nirvana and a red bandana around his left wrist. He is currently beating his drumsticks against the counter waiting for us to be called to stage. Kyle is dressed in dark wash jeans, a white sleeveless shirt and his hair has been expertly styled to look as though he just rolled out of bed. Currently he is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest and his eyes closed.

Over on the couch Logan is listening to his headphones and playing air guitar in his dark wash jeans and red sleeveless shirt. And lastly Mikey who is back to stuffing his face wearing dark wash jeans and an orange sleeveless shirt with a yellow smiley face who is missing an eye on it.

Looking around I'm guessing our theme for the night is dark and sleeveless. Fifteen minutes after we finish getting ready we are called backstage where we watch Syler finish their set.

"Okay the lights will go off as soon as Syler is finished and the roadies will reset the stage with ya'll's instruments. It will only take a few minutes and once that's done y'all head out there and bring the same energy ya'll brought earlier in rehearsal." Matt doesn't wait for our reply instead he heads over to talk to some of the crew.

"Ya'll ready for this? This is a bigger crowd than we have ever played in front of." Leave it to Cam to point out the obvious. I look into each of my friends eyes seeing the pride and determination there. "Yea we're most definitely ready."

Once the lights on stage turn off the guys immediately surround me. They gather into a group hug with me in the middle of it all. This is our pre show ritual. We group hug for a few minutes in silence while thinking all of our hopes and dreams for the show before locking up the nerves and heading out onstage.

"Two seconds Thrasher!" Somebody calls.
We break away from our hug and fall in line with Cam in the lead and myself at the rear we head onto the stage.

"Hello Dallas! How's everybody doing tonight?" I ask into the microphone and the crowd answers with cheers of excitement. "My names Carson, I'm hear tonight with my boys!" I turn watching as each of my friends introduce themselves.

"Hey guys I'm Kyle!"
"What's up I'm Logan!"
"I'm Cam!"
"I'm still hungry!"
"Shut up Mikey!" We all say in unison as the crowd laughs.
"I'm Mikey! And I want a cheeseburger."

Laughing I roll my eyes before turning back to my microphone. "We're Thrasher and we are here to rock your faces off! If you know this song feel free to sing along!"

We open the set with our most popular song. We have been in this band for the past two years and although we have a few hundred fans it is nothing close to the millions of fans Organized Chaos has. This is our first performance to a crowd this size and it is exhilarating.

Cam starts us out on the drums with Kyle coming in on bass the same time as Logan and I on our guitars. While Mikey makes his grand entrance on the keyboard.

"Tell her a story, tell her the honest truth.
You treat her better, make sure to see it through."

As I start to sing I can't help but feel prideful as I hear some voices in the audience sing it with me.

"Don't be just everything she wants, be everything she needs. When she says she loves you, tell her you love her too."

The guy's voices join mine

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"

Their voices cut off allowing my voice to surround the theater.

"Give her a reason, reason to love all you do. She'll tell you secrets you'll tell her secrets too. She'll tell you all her hopes and dreams you'll tell them too. When she says she loves you tell her you love her too, tell her you love her too. "

Logan dances over to me joining me at my mic as Kyle joins Mickey at his and together we sing the chorus.

"But don't you run away run away when you get tired, cause this will slip away slip away and start a fire that can never be put out, oh hurry time is running out, but don't you run away run away before you tell her you love her
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"

Logan and Kyle go back to their previous positions on stage. And Logan picks up the next verse.

"When she says she needs you, tell her you need her too, you tell her clearly speak what your heart wants you to, tell her she's lovely always tell her the truth, when she says she loves you tell her you love her too."

I join Mickey this time as Kyle joins Logan at his mic and together the five of us finish off the song.

"But don't you run away run away when you get tired, cause this will slip away slip away and start a fire that can never be put out, oh hurry time is running out, but don't you run away run away before you tell her you love her. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"

The crowed screams and I can't help but smile, being on stage and getting your music out there and having people love it is the absolute best feeling in the world.

Hi I hope you are liking my story so far, I have an idea of where I want it to go but no clue as to what will happen in the rest of it. Hopefully this won't suck lol.

The song I used in this chapter is not mine and I do not own any of the rights to it. It is Tell her you love her by Echo Smith.

I am hoping to come back and put original songs in here at some point but for right now it will just be actual songs by actual artists.

If you are enjoying this so far please comment and vote!


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