Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV
Troian and I were tickling Sydney....and in between laughs she said

"M-m-mommy........mama stop"

Troian and I looked at each other and stopped tickling her.....she just called us mommy and mama.
"What did you call us Syd?" Troian asked
Sydney gained fear in her eyes
"I-I'm s-s-sor-sorry" Sydney stuttered starting to cry a bit and was about to run, but I had caught her. I then picked her up, and started calming her down.
"Don't cry love" I said to her
Troian came over and started calming her too.
She took Sydney out of my arms to help calm her down.
"'s ok baby girl" Troian told her
"I'm sorry...I know you probably dotn want me calling you mommy and mama" Sydney said still crying
Troian and I looked at each other

Troian's POV
Why would Sydney think we would be mad at her for calling us mommy and mama, Lucy and I have been trying to calm her down. I was holding her when I sat down on the couch, I had her facing me....and my heart broke looking at her face while she was crying.
"Syd we love you....and you can call us mommy and mama...we could never be mad at you."
Lucy sat next to me as we both hugged her and Sydney started calming down
"So I can call you mommy and mama?" she asked
"Of course....but who is mommy and who is mama?" Lucy said/asked
"Hmm..." Sydney thought for a moment
"Troian is mommy and Lucy is mama" she said
"So it is settled" Lucy said laughing
Sydney yawned as I checked the time '9:37pm'
"Are you tired Sydney?" I asked her
She just nodded
"Ok then" I said as I got up and then picked up Sydney.
I went upstairs with Sydney in my arms and Lucy followed. Lucy took Sydney in her arms while I undid the covers. After that Lucy put Sydney in the bed and laid down, Sydney was in the middle of the both of us.

Lucy's POV
Sydney was between Troian and I. Personally, I can't believe we were mothers and I proud of it. And we also have probably the most perfect daughter we could ever have. I looked at Sydney and she was slowly falling asleep. I looked at her, she is so cute. I gave her a kiss and she sleepily said
"I love you Mama" and I said "I love you too baby"
She looked at Troian who was smiling at her "I love you Mommy" Sydney said "and I love you" Troian told her back and gave her a kiss. And then she had fallen asleep.
I then looked at Troian
"I think this is going to turn out right" she said
"I love you babe" I said to Troian
"I love you too" Troian said back
We kissed and then eventually the both fell asleep.

Adopted by Trucy (Lucy Hale and Troian Bellisario) [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now