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We get to Logan's and he immediately points out the fact that me and Daniel are twinning, I roll my eyes while Corbyn and Logan high five.

"Where are the babies?" I ask.

"They'll be here in five minutes, in the meantime, vlog content, any ideas?" He replies.

"Cute couple shots of Tegan and Daniel." Corbyn suggests.

No, we haven't it announced to the fans yet, not happening." Daniel says quickly. "Let's do a montage of Tegan and Kong, two really cute things." He suggests.

"Aww, your so sweet." I say to him and kiss him as he smiles.

"Ew, keep I PG kids but, I'll do it." Logan agrees. I walk over and grab Kong, he immediately starts licking my face.

"Excuse me, that's my girlfriend." Daniel says to Kong and I start laughing as Logan slowly walks around me. I walk over to the couch and set Kong on the floor, then pat my lap indicating for him to jump up. He jumps up as Logan films, Corbyn then walks over and steals him from my lap and I chase him around the apartment. Knock. Knock. The babies are here! I run to the door and open it to see Kyler, Madison, Taytum, and Oakley.

"Oh my gosh, BABIES!" I shriek. Daniel laughs as he walks up behind me, rests his chin on my head and wraps his arms around my waist as I smile.

"Is Danigan real?" Madison asks.

"So that's our ship name, and maybe." I say smirking.

"Yay, anyway, here you go and we'll see you in 6 hours." Madison says handing me one baby.

"Finally a break." Kyler says handing the other baby to Daniel.

"Okay, but before you leave, which ones which?" I ask them.

"The one in pink is Taytum and the one in purple is Oakley, we decided not to dress them identically for your sake." Kyler replies "By the way, they can eat some solid food but not hard stuff." I nod and they walk out the door after dropping two bags of supplies. I bring the babies over to the living room with Daniel following, we take them out of their carriers and set them on the ground to crawl around. Oakley sits on my feet so I pick her up and start tickling her as she laughs. Taytum starts crying and Daniel picks her up, she keeps crying.

"Wow, Daniel, you're great at this." Corbyn says making Logan and I laugh.

"You try making her stop crying." Daniel says handing Taytum to Corbyn. He takes her but she keeps crying as Corbyn's eyes widen.

"You guys are both bad at this." Logan says taking the baby who keeps crying, by now they all have Snapchat out telling everyone how the baby won't stop crying.

"Give her to me." I say as all cameras point towards me. "Daniel take Oakley, here." I hand Oakley to Daniel as I grab Taytum from Logan all the Snapchats, Instagrams, and vlog are pointed towards me as I hold the Taytum. She stops crying but Oakley starts crying, I then grab Oakley and I have a baby in each arm, they both have stopped crying.

"SHE'S A BABY WHISPERER!!" Daniel shrieks, the three of us laugh at his excitement.

"While that was fun, I'm gonna go sit down with them." I say walking over to the couch and sitting down with the babies. Oakley had fallen asleep so I set her in her carrier and sat with Taytum.

"Tegan, can you get me my charger?" Daniel screams from the table. I walk over to his bag and grab his charger.

"Here you go, ba-" I stopped when I realized Corbyn was live on YouNow. Daniel's eyes widened and we stared at the comments and I sigh a breath of relief when I see no one had commented.

"Anyway thanks, dude." Daniel says winking at me and smirking, I giggle.

"Hey Daniel, can I talk to you in the other room, please?" I say giving Corbyn Taytum, grabbing Daniel's hand and taking him with me into Maverick's room. He pauses at the door.

"Aren't you scared of him?" Daniel asks me when I walk in.

"No, he's my boy." I say, just as I say that Maverick lands on my shoulder. "Great timing buddy. Anyway, when are we going to publicize our relationship, it will eventually slip and I would rather it be on purpose than on accident. Did you see how close I was to saying that, what if I hadn't realized Corbyn was live?" Maverick flew off of my shoulder.

"We will tell them soon baby, I promise." Daniel replies pulling me close and laying his chin on my head.

"Okay, I love you." I say.

"I love you, too." He replies. We walk back out and Corbyn is freaking out, Taytum needed her diaper changed and was crying, he didn't know what to do and was asking his live for help. After laughing for a minute, with Daniel, I walked over, grabbed the baby and changed her diaper, she immediately felt better and stopped crying. We hang out with Logan and help him vlog some stuff but at like 5 we decide to head home. I get some water bottles and head up to my room I find a couple movies on Netflix, which surprisingly took at least 3 hours to find 5 movies, I then head downstairs. A bunch of people had already showed up so midway down the staircase I turned around, I'm very introverted and I don't really like new people. I made eye contact with Daniel he smiled and waved me down, I can't resist his cuteness, like who can, so I walk down and stand by him.

"Waaaassup." I say stretching the a like I always do, making him laugh. God I love him.

"Why are you hiding in your room?" He asks me.

"I already explained this yesterday. Odd people are the reasons." I say.

"Just put a sign on the door and come down here with me, please." Daniel begs, pouting.

"Or you can come upstairs and watch movies with me." I say smirking.

"Add cuddles, kisses, and snacks and I'm in." He replies.

"Done, we'll decide on a movie then I'll go get the snacks." I say. He grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs, we open my door and jump on my bed and I start laughing.

"Do you want to watch Everything, Everything?" I ask him going onto my T.V.

"Isn't that the movie about the girl who can't go outside but somehow falls in love with a dude?"

"How do you know the whole plot to the movie?" I ask him.

"Commercials." He replies. "Do you want to watch it?"

"Really bad." I say, he rolls his eyes.

"Only for my babygirl." I blush and we kiss softly.

"Okay I'll be back let me go get snacks." I say getting up and walking down the stairs but, another big mistake.

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