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Click, click, click. I rub my eyes and look up at Daniel. I discreetly smile to myself and look over to see the other four boys plus Ayla and Logan taking pictures. Once they saw me wake up they quickly put their phones and vlog camera away. I try to shake awake Daniel but he refuses.

"5 more minutes." He mumbles. I giggle at the cliché line.

"Come on, wake up." I say. He groans and sits up. As Daniel looks around he sees everyone is looking at us and he looks at me blushing. I start blushing and we look at them.

"Why are you guys out here and not inside?" Logan asks.

"Because you five took up the whole couch and these Love Sacs are really comfy." I explain.

"But how did you end up together?" Jonah questions.

"Daniel was the only other one awake when the movie ended and he also had nowhere to sleep, thanks to you guys, anymore questions?" I say getting a little annoyed. They shook their heads and left. I looked over at Daniel who had fallen back asleep, I smiled, he is so cute. Wait, I don't think I should like him, would Jack and Logan be mad, I mean they are crazy overprotective when it comes to guys, because of my last relationship...anyway. I ran and jumped onto the Love Sac that Daniel was and landed next to him. He jumped and was awake now.

"I gave you five more minutes." I say giggling. Daniel just groans as I help him up. We walk into the apartment and I get an idea. "Guys we should go to the beach today." The boys all look at me as they consider.

"I'm down" says Daniel and Jack at the same time.

"Me, too" Logan adds.

"Same" says Jonah and Zach. We all look at Corbyn who is still thinking.

"C'mon Bean, please." I beg. I give him my puppy dog eyes and he finally shakes his head yes and I hug him. All of us except Logan ride back to the house so we can get ready. I look through my suitcases and find my bathing suits, I look through them before deciding on a colorful tie dye halter top bikini. I walk out of my room and downstairs to where the boys are waiting. I see Jack looking at me disapprovingly.

"Nope, too revealing, go change." Jack says. I groan and roll my eyes.

"Sorry, I'm not wearing pants to the beach." I say sassily. I walk out the door as the boys follow.

"Does anyone agree with me? I know Logan will." Jack says frustrated.

"Dude, chill, she's 18." Zach says. We show up to the beach and, of course, the first thing Logan says is that I shouldn't be wearing that and Jack excitedly screams I told you so as we laugh. I chill on the sand for a little bit before being thrown in the water by Logan. I am talking to Logan, Jack, and Jonah, trying to describe bathing suit shopping troubles for girls, the struggle is real. I see out of the corner of my eye, a girl who is barely wearing a bathing suit, walk up to Daniel. I hear her saying they should 'do things' together and I see him mouth to me 'help'. I walk over and whisper in his ear, "Just go along with it."  I then begin the rescue mission.

"He has a girlfriend." I say as Daniel begins to put together the pieces.

"I don't see any girlfriend material around here except for me so, who is she?" Ugh.

"Keep dreaming honey, but I'm his girlfriend thank you very much." Daniel holds back a laugh while the rest of the boys were dying five feet away from us. I think the girl kinda knew what was going on because the next thing she said gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"Prove it then, kiss him" Uh-Oh.

I looked over to the boys who had been watching the whole time laughing. They were dead serious now. I shrugged and looked at Daniel. Then, sparks. We leaned in and kissed. Once I looked up the boys had their mouths open in shock and the girl came at me. Being the savage I am, I swung and got on top, all of the sudden I am lifted up by the waist, while still swinging, and carried back to our place on the beach. Once set down I realized it was Daniel who had taken me away. We looked at each other and he thanked me for helping him and I told him no problem. When we got back to the house, Logan had come with us but I needed a nap so I took a shower and put on some comfy clothes before crashing. I ended waking up in the morning because I had gone to sleep at like 7 last night and I was really tired. All 6 of us made plans to go to Disney so I went and took a shower then got dressed in jean shorts, a crop top that has food and says carbs are my soulmate, a pink dad hat, and my adidas superstars.

 All 6 of us made plans to go to Disney so I went and took a shower then got dressed in jean shorts, a crop top that has food and says carbs are my soulmate, a pink dad hat, and my adidas superstars

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I ran downstairs and saw the boys waiting on the couch for me, again.

"One, you take forever and two, you like showing your stomach don't you." Jack says.

"One, shut up and two, sorry Dad, but, I do what I want." I reply, once again walking out the door smiling with the boys laughing loudly and Jack looking annoyed. Today will be fun.

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