Chapter 16: Bounce Back

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Mason stands to face me, speechless and afraid.

I glance up at Uncle Jeffrey pleadingly. He sees me and holds his hands up reassuringly. "On it," he winks, closing his eyes for a brief moment to gather his thoughts.

The things he has to put up with...

He opens his eyes again a second later, having summoned up enough courage. I watch as he sucks in a deep breath before entering the house, only for the screams to echo around the neighborhood.

One time, their fights escalated to the point where the neighbor called the cops because she thought someone was dying. No joke. That's when you know it's bad.

I give a sheepish grin. "'ve officially met my grandparents," I shrug at Bells, unashamed.

I have no pity. They both asked for it despite my warnings. Bells insisted on meeting my beloved grandparents from hell when I told her that meeting Yolanda is off limits. Whatever traumatic mental setbacks they sustain is on them.

I had my say and they had theirs. Their say overpowered mine. They must now suffer the consequences of their choice.

"You left us to die in there," Bells says, still shaken up.

The aftermath is always the worst.

"Every man for himself," I answer in nonchalance, used to my grandparent's behavior, and thus, unaffected by it. However, I understand how meeting them for the first time can be traumatic for just about anyone, even the mafia.

"Her food...your gran's food...I'll never forget the image or remember the taste," Mason mutters beneath his breath in a trancelike state, one that he's yet to come out of - poor guy is traumatized.

Toasted jelly on eggs...the image is revolting. It didn't help that Gramps referred to the meal as the chicken who crossed the road and didn't quite make it to the other side. I don't blame Mason for being emotionally scarred by Grams' cooking.

You got to be impervious to these kinds of things. You gotta bounce back.

"Yeah..." I trail off, not having anything to add to that. It is physically impossible to comment on such a terrible meal. Can it even be called a meal? I don't know, then again, I also didn't know that it was possible to cook jelly.

"I will never be the same again," Bell murmurs as she absentmindedly leans back into Mason for support.

He flinches slightly but recomposes himself quickly.

"Well, call us even. You did confess to me that you talked to Jay about how ridiculous my protesting at school got in order to get him to put an end to me and my followers, and an end he did me and my followers," I remind her, still annoyed with that latest revelation.

"You jumped from entering MMAs to starting a rebellious faction within the school, not to mention that this rebellion was already filled with rebels to begin with, giving new meaning to the word 'rebellion'." Bell points out in a matter-of-fact way, sending me a deadpanned stare, unimpressed.

Usually, a rebellion is tarred with innocent people who turn bad due to their strong belief in the cause. My rebellion started with rebels who turned more rebellious. That's just how I roll.

"Well, I had some spare time on my hands when I quit MMAs, and so I thought, 'hey, why not start a rebellion?'" I tell her, defending myself. "Rise of rebellions, cool right?" I ask with a grin.

Bell scoffs. "That's not the word I'd use to describe it."

"I can't believe people actually have the same thoughts as you." Mason mumbles, confused by the number of people who joined my rebellion.

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