Werewolf!Levi X Reader

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"Oh my god. Levi, it's been so long!" I yelled as spotted him in the campus parking lot.

"Oi brat shut the hell up," he spoke as he caught me in his arms, as I gave him a quick hug. He kindly returned the hug and I giggled at him.

I've always had a small petty crush on him, but I was always stuck in that best friend-zone. Okay, maybe it's not small and petty but still. Hey, at least I have a chance.

"Hey, you wanna hang out in your place this evening?" I asked him,"It has been a long time since we've seen each other. If I recall correctly, the last time we saw each other was in middle school, we could catch up."

"I'll see (f/n)," Levi replied, although he seemed uneasy. He gripped his small backpack and his one textbook and slightly turned his body. 

"Okay bye," I smiled as I heard the raven haired male mutter a goodbye and ran off to my classes.


I strolled into my apartment and stretched out my arms out exhaustion. I already have a crap ton of homework, which is just great. I did all my unpacking two days before, so at least that's out of the way.

My (e/c) eyes wandered around the room. It had a real industrial look to it, with mostly black and white being the main color. The dark furniture clashed with light walls.

I sighed as I went into my bedroom with (favorite color combo) as my sheets and pillows. I plopped down into my chair after throwing my backpack near the clean, black desk that had small drawers attached to it. I got to know a bit more about Levi throughout the day. Turns out he lives in the same apartment complex as I did which was real convenient. I dug into my bag searching for my books and a writing utensil.

An hour had passed after I sat at my desk staring at pages. I shot up from my desk remembering that I had forgotten to ask Levi if I could come over. I picked up my phone to text him and turned to look at the clock. 7:30 it read. Hmm, maybe I could just go over to his and surprise him, I thought as I put down my phone. I smiled to myself and looked out the window, soaking in the boring view of the street.

Wait, Levi didn't even text me about coming over, he probably forgot like me.


I rung the doorbell, fidgeting like a child while waiting. I smiled, I finally heard shuffling behind the door and the door knob twisting.

"(F/n), what are you doing here?" Levi spoke as he opened the door fully. He had slight bags underneath his gray eyes and his hair looked slightly messy. His attire consisted of a plain dark blue t-shirt and a pair of black shorts.

"I wanted to visit remember?" I smiled as I looked at him. My attire was just as casual as Levi's. I wore a (favorite artist/band) t-shirt with black Adidas sweatpants, "I'll be leaving at around 9, so yeah."

"Okay, sure. Why not?" Levi said a bit agitated.

I looked at him a bit confused, just to immediately look back into the apartment. It was spotless, of course knowing Levi. He had always been such a clean person ever since he was young. His mother had always liked things clean but died of a disease when Levi was a kid. Afterward, his uncle Kenny took care of him. I knew him cleaning a lot was a small tribute to his mother. My (e/c) eyes held the emotion I felt after recalling the memory.

"Did you eat dinner?" Levi had asked snapping me back into reality.

"Uhh, no," I said sheepishly.

Levi x Reader one shots (REQUESTS ARE OPEN PEOPLE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz