"Little Tonksie"

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Caitlin Prickott

I sit in front the mirror and stare at myself with anger.

I focus hard on changing my hair color. I wanted my jet black hair to change to a blonde white, but after trying for hours, I find myself having a hard time.

"What're you trying to change to?" I look over my shoulder to see Tonks looking at me.

"Blonde white." She nods and turns her hair to the color with ease. I close my eyes and change my hair at last.

"Ha! I've done it!" She shakes her head.

"You have, but your skin looks dark." I shrug and smile.

"I think that I look positively great." She laughs and sits next to me.

"I bet I could make my eyes purple like yours."She concentrates on her eyes and stares into the mirror.

"Yeah, but they wouldn't be natural. I happen to have Alexandria's Genesis. The rare violet eye condition." She looks over at me with purple eyes.

"They still look cool." We both laugh as we look at ourselves in the mirror. We look as if we could be sisters and smile.

"What'd you draw yesterday?" I grab my sketchbook off of the desk and flip to the most recently drawn picture. An angel with red hair rests on the page. She shoots a blast of white light in a random direction with a white wand.

"I bet I could do it." I shake my head at Tonks.

"Tonks, wings are hard. Even for metamorphmagi." She stands up and runs out of the dormitory.

"Tonks!" after five minutes of nonstop running, I find her outside staring intently at the ground.

"Tonks, this is dangerous." Before I realize it, she shoots into the sky with a pair of angel wings and I gasp. She screams in happiness and I begin to panic.

I jump up and fly up to Tonks.

"Caitlin! You're doing it!" I look at my back to see wings flapping. I smile, but then frown at all the people who're below us. Many Hufflepuffs boys are either cheering or whistling at us. Many girls are screaming in fear.

A set of twins waves at me and I wave down to Fred and George. Tonks and I wave to everyone underneath us. Every face smiles happily back at us, but one in particular glares at us.

Percy Weasley obviously doesn't approve of what we're doing. I ignore him and continue to wave until McGonagall comes out.

"Miss Tonks! Miss Prickott! Get down immediately!" Tonks and I fly down and many people applaud us.

"Miss Tonks! You should be setting examples for all the other students! And Miss Prickott! You should be using your abilities wisely." She struts away and the large crowd disperses.

"She never said I had to us mine wisely." We both laugh and begin on our walk to the Hufflepuff basement.

"If McGonagall wasn't such a buzzkill, we could've left to Hogsmeade and grabbed a butterbeer." I shrug.

"I can get us butterbeers from the kitchens later. I'll be heading there later to help the elves make breakfast." Tonks shakes her head and mumbles the word "No." many times.

"You're not supposed to help them. They make you breakfast every day so-"

"So I should help them. For all the times they've fed me, I want to help them feed the rest of the school." She sighs.

"Just bring me back my butterbeer. I've got some juicy news to tell you." I wiggle my eyebrows and Tonks' hair turns a light shade of red.

"Little Tonksie has got herself a boyfriend." She walks down the hall to her dorms and I enter my third year dorm.

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