"He's being reckless," Hitoshi said back. "If he controlled his anger, he would have probably won by now."

Valui glanced at him, then back at Katsuki. Now that it had been pointed out to her, she coule partially understand what Hitoshi had said. Katsuki's fighting style and movements had changed from the beginning of the fight — they were less precise and controlled compared to now. Valui looked back to Hitoshi, a look of amazement in her eyes. "How could you tell that?"

Hitoshi looked away from the fight to meet her eyes, confusion filling his face at her question. "What do you mean? I just...could tell, I guess."

The amazement spread from her eyes to her face. "Wow, that's really cool! I never would have been able to do that."

Hitoshi's face turned red; he looked away from her quickly, pretending to focus back on the fight as his free hand moving up to the back of his neck. "It's nothing that special. Anyone here could do it."

"But you're the one who did."

Valui, who hadn't looked away from him, watched the red color darken against his otherwise pale face. Hitoshi turned his head away from her — he tried to pretend it was because he was cracking his neck, but Valui could see him trying to hide a smile.

Valui looked looked back to the fight, distantly listening to Katsuki scream about something or other — was he always so unnecessarily angry? She yawned softly, drowsiness slipping its way into her consciousness. She had woken up early, and all the excitement from the day was starting to get to her. With another small yawn and an eye rub, Valui shifted slightly in her chair and leaned her head against the side of Hitoshi's chest.

When he looked down at her, Valui craned her neck up slightly to look back at him. He seemed at a loss for what to say for a moment; he leaned down for a split second, then stopped. "Are you tired?"

Her eyebrows furrowed together, but she gave a small nod. "A little."

Just as Valui was about to close her eyes, a loud crashing sound made her body jolt fully awake — she sat up straight, immediately seeking out the source of the sound. She didn't have to look very far, or for very long. Katsuki had hit Shouto completely out of bounds and against one of the walls of the arena. The former had ran over to the latter, who had seemingly been knocked out, and continued one of his yelling sprees from earlier. Valui frowned lightly, watching as Midnight went over to where Katsuki was going into borderline hysterics. She ripped the sleeve of her costume, pink smoke floating off it and, once it hit Katsuki, knocking him out as well. With a soft sigh, she raised her arm.

"Katsuki Bakugo wins this year's UA Freshmen Sports Festival!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and clapping — it was a wonder Valui heard her phone go off in the midst of it. Emitting a short grunt of annoyance, the blonde pulled her phone from her pocket and pressed the power button to read whatever message she had gotten. It was from her mother, telling her to go to the small shopping center near UA to get a handful of groceries for dinner later that night.

Hitoshi looked down at her, an eyebrow raising up. "What is it?" The noise of the crowd had died down, so Valui didn't have to strain to hear him. She became aware of the irritated look on her face and wiped it off to the best of her abilities.

"I need to go to the store for my mom." Why she couldn't do it herself, the girl had no idea. She looked down to the arena — Shouto and Katsuki were getting carried off. Valui turned back to Hitoshi. "If it's over, I'll probably just go now to beat the traffic."

He nodded to her, standing up and offering his hand. "I have to stay here so I can't go with you, but I'll walk you outside if you'd like," he explained as Valui took his hand and used it to pull herself up.

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