Patton x Panicked!Reader- Is

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"Breathe, kiddo."
"I can't!"
"Yes you can; I believe in you."
Triggers: panic attacks {obviously}

Patton smiled to himself as he laid on the couch comfortably, watching Roman and Virgil arguing for the third time today. It was a relatively hot day; the AC was on, the lights were dimmed in the house, and lil' cinnamon roll Patton was happily sipping his lemonade while he watched "Beauty And The Beast" for the third time today (thanks to Roman, mind you).
Everything in the house seemed relatively nice- other than Anxiety and Princey fighting.. and the odd aura floating around (Y/N)'s room, let me explain.
(Y/N) wasn't feeling all that well. They recently got sick, and that was causing their moods to change drastically. One minute they'll be happy-go-lucky, and in due time, they'll be on the ground crying. It was hard for them to deal with, as well as Thomas and the others. Roman attempted to help but got shut out. Something he said seemed to make her mad- however, the others weren't sure what it was. Usually, (Y/N) would be more than happy to talk to any of the Sanders Sides- they treated her like a sibling.
Well, all except Patton.
He saw something in her- and he felt something too! He just.. wasn't sure what it was. It felt like he swallowed a million butterflies and when he walked near (Y/N), they all came alive. When (Y/N) felt bad, poor little Patton acted like a lost puppy. Gently, he skipped over to the door and knocked.
"Hey, (Y/N)? I'm here to talk if you need it, sport!"
"...(Nickname)?" He repeated, nervous.
Something was wrong.
Patton panicked and quickly opened the door, running in. When he did, he saw the most heartbreaking thing.
(Y/N) was sat in the corner, their knees brought up to their chest as they sobbed softly. They didn't seem to notice Patton yet, but man, they did when nervous little Morality picked them up and cradled them gently. (Y/N) squeaked and wrapped their arms tightly around Patton's neck, breathing quickly. Sensing this was getting bad, Patton gently sat down and ran his fingers through (Y/N)'s hair, his gentle eyes watching over her protectively.
"Breathe, Kiddo." He whispered gently, jumping as (Y/N) shouts, "I can't!" in response. However, he kept his cool and nuzzled the back of their neck, whispering to them to soothe them.
"Yes you can; I believe in you."
(Y/N) struggled hard to their senses back on track, but thanks to Morality, it took shorter than it would've if they were alone. After awhile, they were snuggled into the crook of Patton's neck, breathing gently. They were very worn out.
"See? I told you." He teased, kissing the top of their head gently. He looked down to them for a reaction before noticing they fell asleep. With a chuckle, he laid back and held them close to his chest, closing his eyes with a yawn. Soon, he too drifted to sleep.


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