lolss: stop typing in caps please

lauren: ok ok fine

lolss: ik what your thinking but the only reason anthony came to my house was because he wanted to ask my brother something instead he lied to me and you know the rest

lauren: oooohhhhh that makes more sense. and how are you after that

lolss: rather not talk about it

lauren: ok i'll see you in school

lolss: bye <3

lauren: bye <3

i put my phone away again and stare straight up at ethan who looked terrified of me

"okay i just texted lola and i'm happy for you" i smile and hand ethan back the phone

he smiled at me and the bus door opens for us to go in.

+skip to end of school+

grayson asked if i wanted to go over his house tonight before the dinner our family's are having.

we walk into his house and it's huge. when i say big i mean like nicki minajs butt mixed with kim k's butt huge.

my phones vibration disrupted my thoughts. i pull it out from my back pocket and see

XXX: check out our new update !

i open the app and a white screen opens up. this is new.

double tap the screen to see where our users like to hangout 👍🏻

my mouth drops to the floor as a quickly find a way to turn it off

Ghost Mode ◽️

i tap the white square and

ghost mode has been turned on . tap the box again to turn it off.

i tap my screen to make the message go away. a 5 pound weight is now lifted off my chest.

"are you coming in?" grayson chuckles a little.

"oh yeah sorry. my phone distracted me" i giggle of embarrassment.

i follow him up the stairs and into his bedroom.

the first thing i notice is a basketball hoop. my mouth is once again on the floor.


"sit where you want" he smiles

i plop myself on his desk chair and take my phone out again.

Mom: where are you Lauren ?! come home right now

Me: i'm at the dolans house. okay i'm on my way

i mentally groan and say goodbye to grayson. i grab my stuff by his bedroom door and go back down the way i came up.

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