The Breakup

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When I woke up, everything from yesterday hit me.

I wanted to cry myself back to sleep like I did last night but I was awake.

I slowly got up and looked at myself in the mirror.

Baggy eyes, mascara everywhere, puffy, and red.

This was a new look for me but I really didn't care about it at all.

I rubbed some of it off to try and make it look neater but it wouldn't come off.

Oh well.

I grabbed my crutches and slowly went down the stairs where I met Buck.

I sat down at the bar and he asked me, "Usually I mind my own business but what happened to you?"

I just replied, "I just had a bad day yesterday."

The phone started ringing and Buck answered it.

He looked at me and said, "Yeah, ok I'll tell her ok bye."

As he hung up the phone, he turned towards me and said, "That was a guy named Sodapop said he wanted to see you."

I replied, "And the bad day continues."

It's a Sunday so that means Soda doesn't work on Sundays.

He should be at his house right now.

Perfect, I have to break up with Soda in front of his friends and family.

I got up off the bar stool and said to him, "If Dal asks where I went say the Curtis house."

He smiled and said, "Will do."

I then walked on crutches about seven miles to the Curtis house.

As I knocked on the door, Ponyboy answered it.

He let me in and said, "Soda's in the kitchen, I'll go get him for ya."

I said, "Thanks Ponyboy."

Soon after he left Soda came out of the kitchen.

He asked me, "Hey I didn't see you yesterday where were you?"

I asked, "Around, speaking of yesterday did anything happen to you?"

He replied, ""

And now he's lying to me, wow this is going so well.

He continued talking, "Anyways you want some breakfast cause you can-"

I interrupted him with, "No, I'm not staying."

He said, "Well, ok, do you want to go do something later like maybe-"

I shook my head and interrupted him again, "I don't want to go anywhere."

He dropped his hands and asked, "Then, what do you want to do?"

I could hear everyone in the kitchen stop talking as if they were listening.

I said, "Soda, I'm breaking up with you."

Soda asked, "Wait, what?"

I replied, "You heard me, Soda, I'm sorry but were threw."

I started to turn around and crutch away but he stopped me.

He grabbed my arm and said, "Wait, what did I do?"

I asked, "Did you feel sorry for me? Was that your charity case? Is that the reason you asked me out?"

He asked, "What?"

I continued, "You figured you could toy with me until someone better came along.

I saw you yesterday with Sandy, Soda. I saw you two kiss.

And to be honest now looking at it I'm glad I saw it to know what kind of person you are.

Look Soda, I don't care what people think about me I mean I did but not anymore because I believe in myself now, and I know that things are going to be ok.

But even though I have no family and no job and no money for college, it's you I feel sorry for.

I know the guy that I like is still in there, but I can't wait for him.

Because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought - useless and disappointing."

I turned back around and I walked out of his house.

I heard him call out to me, "Heather" but I just kept walking.

I've got a free life now to live it how I want it.

Thanks For Reading!
Hope you enjoyed it and are excited for more! Stay Tuned for More!

-Stay Gold

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