The Viper

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Thursday 4:36pm
School Dance Tomorrow 7:30pm
The Next Day...

I felt really bad about Soda.

I never meant for him to see me hug Dally like that.

So, after school I decided to go practice on the track as always.

I put on my uniform and my mask as if I were in a real race.

Once I got inside the car, I put my phone on the car charger,

Turned on the radio, and started the engine.

Before I could even hit the gas pedal, I heard a knock on my window.

Being nervous, I rolled it down.

I really hope the person by my window didn't see me change.

That person was Soda.

I was wearing my Drag Racing suit, but luckily I was also wearing my mask and helmet.

He said, "Your, the Viper. Like THE Viper."

I nodded my head.

He said, "Wow, hey I don't mean to bother you but can I ask you something?"

I nodded my head again.

He asked, "What's it like being best drag racer in Tulsa."

Aw he called me the best.

I answered in a deep manly voice, "Uhh, it's pretty awesome.

Drag racing is my calling. I can't see my playing football or soccer or anything like that."

He nodded his head and said, "I know what you mean. My names Soda."

He reached out to shake my hand as I shook his.

I said, "I'm umm...Alex...yeah that sounds like a boys name."

I muttered the last part, so he didn't hear me.

He said, "Wow, I'd never thought I'd get to meet you Alex."

My phone went off on its ringtone notifying me I got a text.

I looked over at it and looked to see it was David.

I turned my phone all the way off and looked back up at Soda nervously.

He asked, "Who's that?"

I did a low sigh trying to think of a girlfriend name.

I finally said, "My girlfriend, Josie."

He smiled and said, "You got a girlfriend? That's pretty cool."

I nodded my head thinking - when is this he going to leave.

He continued. "On the subject of girls can I ask you something."

I said, "Sure, go ahead."

He replied, "Well, I saw this girl with another guy last night."

I answered quickly, "Woah, wait, do you like this girl?"

He replied, "I don't know, it's complicated."

I nodded my head.

What's so complicated about liking someone or not?

He said, "Anyways and there is this school dance coming up."

I replied, "Ok?"

He said, "And right now I don't know who to take."

I just replied honestly. "Look Soda, if you don't want to go with her don't.

You just need to follow your heart."

After I said that, I realized how stupid it was! Telling him not to go with me!

He smiled and said, "Yeah, I will. Thanks."

I smiled even though he couldn't see it and said, "No problem."

He asked, "Hey, and I also have one more question for you."

I said, "Ok, sure."

He asked, "It'd be an honor if we can drag race right now."

I smiled and said, "Let's do it."

I watched as he got so excited getting into his car.

I let out a sigh of relief that was over.

It's not that I didn't like talking to him, it's just that I don't like being Viper.

I can't have Viper coming in on my personal life.

She's just a character I made up for this whole Drag Race thing.

We drag races for hours going round and round on the track.

I guess I was have too much fun to notice the gasoline people put in the back of my car.

I could still steer the car as I started pouring gasoline on the ground.

As I did my last lap, I lit my lighter dropping it causing the race track to make a fire line.

It was so awesome.

When I got out of the car meeting soda back where the other cars were,

He said, "That was so cool!"

I got the water hose drying the race track off but I had to agree it was cool.

I took my phone out of the car and told Soda I had to leave.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't want the people on the streets to see me because they would all know me as the Viper.

But I didn't want to change because Soda would see the real Viper.

I decided to just leave the tracks, go to the nearest gas station and change.

It did look funny walking into the girls bathroom with a manly suit on.

But changing into me felt a lot better.

I hope Soda does look over the fact I was hugging some other guy.

The way I hugged him and how long it was, I would've been sad as well.

After changing, I looked at my phone to see what was so important.

All I got were these messages:

Evie: Hey where you at?

Cherry: Going to go see a movie?
Marcia: Are you coming?

David: Sorry about last night 😘

I literally rolled my eyes at the last one.

I can't stand David, he is so weird and stalker-ish.

He is really handsome, but he's just not for me.

Soda is for me.

And I'm for him.

Thanks for Reading!
Hope you enjoyed!
Stay Tuned for the next chapter!

-Stay Gold

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