Chapter 11 - Shit.

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*Ashton's POV*

God, the feeling never went away. I still felt like a massive bunch of fireworks blew up within me. From every look and touch from her, it all felt new and all sorts of wonderful things.

When we pulled away, I couldn't help but smile. I needed to restart with her. And I honestly mean it. Whether a friend or a lover, I need Aria to be in my life on an amazing basis.

When I was with Abby-- or when I thought I was-- I did somewhat have feelings for her. She worked in a music shop, for Christ sake. Girls who actually enjoy the concept of music is actually an attractive thing. Back to the subject, Abby and I--- whenever we kissed, I didn't feel the same way I did when I would kiss Aria. Each kiss we had was like the very first one. It never got old.

"Wait, wait, wait.." Calum spoke once it was commercial, knowing not to talk when Aria's show was on. "How did you even know Abby was Perrie's niece?" This caught all of our attention.

"Simple," She sighed, pausing the T.V. Must be on demand, then. "She told me." Aria shrugged.

"What do you mean she 'told you'?" Michael questioned using air quotes. "How does one simply tell the enemy the real identity? Jesus, I will never understand women."

Aria shot Michael a playful glare before continuing. "Anyway, she told me herself. Remember the day you guys were recording 'VooDoo Doll'?" We nodded. "Well, that was also the day she, quote on quote, accidentally spilled her drink all over my system."

"How did we not notice you guys arguing?" Luke muttered. He was right, how did we not notice?

"Easy. The glass separating us is basically sound proof. Oh, and bullet proof."

"Wow, I feel like an idiot." I huffed, leaning back into the comfort of the couch.

"Did I mention she threaten to involve my dad?" She laughed aloud. "My father. Ridiculous, right! He's in prison and has been since I was, what, twelve? Eleven? He wouldn't be able to get out." She scoffed.


*Aria's POV*

I scoffed. My so called, dad, was stuck in prison. He isn't getting out any time soon, either. I will never in my life be in the same room with that man.

Just as Calum was about to say something, my phone rang.

"She sleeps, alone. My heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was. Beside you!"

"Aw, that's cute! She has our song has her ring tone!" Luke pinched my left cheek while Michael pulled on the other.

I groaned, smacking their hands away. "Fuck off, will you."

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

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