Well shit

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Well shit.

"Nick I don't think it's taking so much of a toll on me. I'm having fun and I love spending time with you." I reassure him.

I like to just think of it as "Rebellious teenage acts", yet Nick will be a young adult soon (he's a senior in high school). I do wonder sometimes if he has plans for after high school. I guess I never asked. I want to know if he sees a future with us. I want to know what he truly sees in me. Most importantly, what will he do that will hurt me? I'm a girl of many questions and I want answers but the concept of closure has become so distant from me lately.

"Okay. Well fuck all that deep emotional stuff. Ha - just needed to get it all out." He chuckles and lays a kiss on my forehead.

My phone vibrates from my back pocket. I ignore it and pull him closer to me until our lips locked. We exchanged kisses leading up to more intensity with each one. My phone continued to vibrate.


I break away and give him an apologetic look. I unlock my phone and see the contact titled Mom flashed across my screen.

Mom : (2) Missed Call

Mom : Vivian Parker you better answer me.

Mom : What kind of joke do you take me as?

Mom: (1) Missed Call

Help me Lord. She's going to have a heart attack.

I've been telling her for half the summer that every time I'm out I'm with Tati. She knows about Nick but she doesn't know were a thing.

I'm not ashamed of him (I mean have you seen him), I just don't need to hear her opinion on him what she believes I should be focusing on right now rather than boys.

"Is everything Viv?" Nick asks.

"Yea- it's just my Mom I really, really don't want to leave but-"

"You have to go and let her know that you're okay. No prob." He smiled.

"Yes but I'll text you! I declare while grabbing my purse from his dresser.

"Thank you. For being understanding, ya know?" I say.


20 minutes later...

7:15 p.m.

I would have been home earlier if I took up Nick's offer to drive me home, however, I told him I wanted to just play it safe and go home on my own. I don't mind taking the long way home anyways, it gives me time to think.

I walked up to my front patio. I was just about to unlock the door to my house but then an unsettling began to arise inside me. I closed my eyes for a slight second before walking into the chaotic mess I created for myself.

I walked inside and slipped my shoes off by the door before walking up the steps to the living room where my Mother would greet me with disappointment.

She was nowhere to be found.

"Hello?" I yelled out.

"I'm in the kitchen, Vivian." My mother scolded.

I walked over to her

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I walked over to her. It was a gloomy day, light would usually gleam through the window onto the shiny and metallic cooking utensils. She stood in front of the sink filled with pots and pans earnest to be washed. Her body language was strong. She refused to turn around and look at me in the face as if I committed some major crime.


Okay well I didn't do anything today.

"I was going to leave you some left overs but I wasn't sure if you were going to eat over at Tatiana's house tonight. To be quite honest I wasn't even sure if you were going to come home at all." She snarled.

"Mom, I'm sorry I didn't see your messages until the last minute. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you were going to work your usual night shift anyways." I explained and lied.

"It's okay." She says.

She finally turns around and just stares at me without a word.

I don't say anything at all, I'm quite scared to say something stupid.

Update: It's been a minute and this is becoming awkward.

She releases a big sigh and makes her way out the kitchen and to the living room.

"Is that it?" I ask, confused as hell.

"Yeah what did you want me to say?" She asks while flipping through channels on the tv.

I just shrug and make my way upstairs. Before I could get out of her sight she says with her back turned to me again.

"I know Vivian."


updating with part eight soon.



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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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