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"Hey I'm Nick." He says.

Well damn that escalated quickly. I mean.. Wait! Say something idiot!

I look up at him. "Nice to meet you Nick. I'm Vivian." I say giving him a polite smile.

The lighting in here is dim but I can still see him. He looks a little older than me, possibly 18 or 19. He has dark brown hair along with brown eyes. I wouldn't say he looks dreamy, there's just something else about him. More on the mysterious side.

"Vivian... I like that name." He says smiling back. We continue talking for a bit while carelessly consuming more alcohol.

Before I know it we're talking about some end of the world nonsense.

"Yeah, I do believe that one day there will be an alien attack causing earthquakes and diseases and shit. Like a 5th wave. Yeah that's it! Then the remaining humans will stand against it and fikeee!" Nick says slurring his words.

I feel dizzy and my head is pounding. Even though my vision is blurry at this point I look around the room. Where's Tati? I think to myself. Did she even try to check on me?

"Vivian... Hello?! Viv..Vivvyyyy..." Nick says while giggling.

"Don't call me that." I hiss at him.

"Alright alright. Do you wanna get of here?" He asks me.

But what about Tatiana? Where is she and why hasn— what am I saying. The new Vivian wouldn't cry over this, she would move on and go have fun. I feel a lump in my throat.

I turn to the 6'1" boy. "Alright let's get out of here Nick."

Hey guys! I'm sorry the book is kinda slow at the moment but I promise you the next 3 chapters will be good! I'm also thinking of making this just a short story, let me know in the comments what you think. 💓


Revised July 18, 2017.

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