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"Let's run away, just us." Nick said.
* 2 weeks before *

I don't have crystal clear memory about that night but all I know is that I fell in love.

"So does that boy go to your school? I've never seen him before." My mom asks and takes a sip out of her coffee.

"No Mom he doesn't. He was just someone I met at the party and besides nothing happened." I half lied.

"Hmm.. well I thought Tati was going to drive you home." My mom continues to annoy me by bombarding me with questions from that night.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah so did I.." I say.
I haven't talked to Tati since I showed up at the party. As much as I'm annoyed that she left me and didn't hang out with me, I'm also concerned about her.

Speaking of the devil. My iPhone screen lights up and new messages from Tati appear.

Tati 🙆🏼👿 : Hey!
Tati 🙆🏼👿 : Answer hoe I'm sorry🙃

Me: Yeah hi 😐
Me: What happened last night? Did you find a cute boy to screw with?

Tati 🙆🏼👿 : Look Viv I'm sorry. You know I love you I was just having fun.

Me: Yeah whatever 👌🏽

Tati 🙆🏼👿 : Your seriously pissed at me because I didn't babysit you at another party? Tbh I don't even care anymore I tried to make you social and fun but ig it didn't work lmao

Read ✔️

I'm done. I don't even know what to say anymore. Yes I can be antisocial but I can't help it. I wish I could be more carefree... like the "Other Vivian" from last night.

"I'm leaving for work! I left the credit card number on the fridge so you can order lunch and dinner later!" My mom shouts from downstairs.

"Okay bye I love you!" I yelled back.

I unlocked my phone again and contemplated whether or not I should text Nick. What if he just wanted to hang out for one night and that's it? I don't want to be a bother.

At this point I have nobody to talk to. I just went for it.

Me: Hey

Two minutes pass and I'm already regretting this.

Nick⚡️: Hey ☺️

My heart starts beating fast. Chill out!

Me: What's up? 😛

Nick⚡️: Nm just thinking about last night and how much more "stargazing" I need to do 😂😂 Alright I'm sounding nerdy what's up with you?

Me: Oh same lol

After a few minutes we somehow get into a deep conversation about life.
He tells me about his family. How his dad left him when he was 6 and his mothers drinking problem ever since.
He explains to me that he's barely home now and how he desperately wants to get away from it all.  I tell him about my parents divorce and my seasonal depression. My life seems simple and almost perfect compared to his.

He doesn't seem like a stranger that I met a few hours ago to me anymore.

Nick ⚡️: Let's run away, just us.

At first I didn't take him seriously because there is no way in hell I would ever be able to pull that off.

Me: Yeah I wish 😩🙃

Nick ⚡️ : No seriously I know we've only known each other for less than a day but you seem so chill and it wouldn't be a bad idea. It's the summer and you said you love traveling and your open minded to anything 😐
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We didn't actually run away but we ran away from our problems and worries.

For the past 2 weeks we've been meeting up everyday. I guess you could say things were moving fast between us. We started secretly going out. Of course I didn't tell my mom she would flip especially since he's a little older than me.

"Ready to have some fun babe?" Nick asked me.

"Let's go!" I say with a smirk.
I grab one of the two large black duffles and head out.

HEY GUYS! What do you think they're up to 😉 Let me know in the comments! I'll be updating again later xoxo

No angel ☹ NR ↠ short storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin