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I watched you today. Not in a creepy way, just- watched.

You flirted with that girl like there was no tomorrow. She held out a piece of paper with her stupid tanned arm. You took it. You took the paper right along with a little bit more of my heart. Like there's any of that left.

You walked back our table, smiling wide.

"Her name's Shay," You started. Then you droned on for twenty minutes about her like she was your life. I didn't listen, I didn't wasn't to hear about how perfect she was or how much better then me she was. 

I told myself in my head it was possible, but deep down I knew you'd never love me. Maybe if things worked out differently. But the past can't changed.

And I can't change myself

So I sat, listening to you talk about how Shay had just finished collage and when your planning on calling her. I sat looking up at your perfect blue eyes, staring at the happiness lighting them up.

I sat listening while blood spilled out of my heart, dripping all over the floor. The would red contrast with your eyes.

But you won't ever know that.

You don't look down.

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