"You ok mom?" Henry asked looking at me.

I nodded my head.

"I'm fine, now don't you have a date to get ready for?"

He nodded and ran off to his room. I was so proud of him. He had grown up to be such a kind young man. I was scared of raising this baby. Henry may have been my son but Regina raised him. I had never raised a baby before. What if I did something wrong? I shook me head getting rid of the thought and headed down to get changed. I changed in to a pair of light jeans and an old black t-shirt. I went down stairs and cleaned up a bit until six when Killian came home.

"Hello love." He came over and hugged me.


I turned as I heard Henry come down stairs. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt and a black tie.

"You look great kid, go have fun."

"Thanks mom."

Killian straightened Henry tie.

"Good luck lad."

"And Henry be home before eleven!" I called from the kitchen.

"If you come back later I won't tell." Killian whispered.

"I heard that, Henry Mills you will be back before eleven." I shouted.

"Ok mom!"

"Quick go before she changes her mind." Killian laughed rushing Henry out the door.

"Killian I'm heading out now you coming?"  I asked.

"Of course."

I grabbed Echo's lead and she came running in. I put her lead on and petted her. I grabbed our jackets throwing Killian his. I picked up my keys and headed out. We drove down and parked at the edge of the woods.

I opened the car door and Echo jumped out. We started walking into the woods. It was starting to get a bit dark. I had always loved the woods at night, it was calming and silent. Killian had his arm wrapped around me and Echo was running around.

I stopped as I noticed a small bird sitting on the ground. It's wing was broken and it couldn't fly. I bent down and held out my hand to heal it. Killian caught my arm before I could.

"Love are you sure you want to with your magic?"

I thought about it for a second and nodded.

"I'll be fine."

I waved my hand and it's wing healed. I felt fine and I hoped it would stay like that.

"You ok?" Killian asked.


Killian wrapped his arm around my waist and we continued walking as Echo played in the leafs. After an hour we headed back to the car. Echo jumped into the backseat and I took off her lead. We drove home and I unlocked the door.

When we walked in Henry and Violet were sitting on the couch playing X-box.

"Oh hey Violet I didn't know you were coming over." I smiled.

"Oh hey mom I was hoping it was ok if Violet stayed here. Here Dads out of town so I said she could stay here." Henry explained.

"Of course you always welcome here. I'm going to head to bed so you two make sure your in bed for a reasonable time." I called as I walked up the stairs.


Killian and I headed up stairs.

"He really likes her." Killian laughed.

"He's happy with her."

I could hear them laughing as I got ready for bed. I was glad he was happy. I drifted off to sleep after a while.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be publishing part of a new story on Thursday. Don't worry I will still be writing this one too. It will be a Supernatural story so it will be less romance more action. Though one of my OTPs is in it so their will be a little bit. Also this story has 624 reads that's insane thank you guys so much! It means a lot to me I didn't think anyone would read my stories!

Mr. & Mrs. Jones (Rewrite in progress!)Where stories live. Discover now