Chapter 6: Tourist Trap

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Third POV

Today, the twins, Gwen and Grandpa Max were in the Rust Bucket. The twins were making faces at this one boy whose dad was driving next to them. "I'd warn you guys that your faces might freeze like that, but in your cases that would be an improvement," Gwen said. The twins ignored her and saw that the boy chewed up some food and showed them. "Aww man," Jen started. "Seafood special," Ben finished looking at the boy. "Time to pull out the secret weapon," Jen said. They gave him a one-second finger and ducked. Then Ben appeared as Stinkfly, scaring the boy. Ben pretended to eat Jen. The dad saw and quickly drove away from them. The twins fell over with laughter. "There is such a thing as taking a joke too far you know," Gwen said. Ben and Jen ignored her, but Ben squirted some goo on the seat before Gwen sat down. Gwen sat on it and gave them a disgusted face. "Impossible. Funny is funny," Jen said. "Twins you better get up here," Grandpa said while breaking the van making Ben slide up to the front with Jen falling on top of her brother. "Oh, Ben. Good, you're all ready to go. We've got trouble ahead," Grandpa said when he saw the twins as Stinkfly.

Someone was stuck inside a burning truck. "The door is stuck! He can't get out!" Someone yelled in a panic. The twins saw a man stuck inside the truck. "That's a gasoline truck! It'll blow up any minute!" Someone else yelled. "If that propane truck touches the fire, that truck will become a rocket to the moon," Grandpa said while looking at the twins with a serious expression on his face. Ben flew around out of the Jen and towards the truck with Jen following. Of course, she changed before she got out of the Rust Bucket. She followed him as Heatblast. Ben tried to go in the fire, but it was too much. "Hey, Sis. Want to give me a hand?" Ben asked. "With pleasure," Jen said while sucking most of the fire away from the truck. Ben then flew on top of the truck, ripped the ceiling open and grabbed the guy. Jen ran around the truck sucking up the last of the fire while Ben gently put the guy down on the ground.

"Ahhh! That's the thing that ate those kids!" The same boy in the car said while pointing at Ben. "Well look at the time. Gotta fly," Ben said. He grabbed Jen and flew off with her.

In the Rust Bucket, Gwen was reading some of the signs that they passed. "You'll have a ball with it. Next exit," Gwen said. "Come on Grandpa, at least give us a hint of what 'it' is," Ben said. "Yeah please, Grandpa?" Jen asked. "No no. No hint. I've been planning this stop all summer," Grandpa said while glancing at the twins who were both sitting in the front seat. Once they stopped, the twins and Gwen were on the steps when Grandpa told them to close their eyes. They did what they were told and they got off the truck. "Okay, open them up," Grandpa started. The trio opened their eyes to see a boring sign that said, 'Welcome to Sparksville.' The trio looked around and everything looked partially normal except for the fact that everything was giant on each of the stores. "Tada. Welcome to Sparksville," Grandpa said.

The trio looked around and Grandpa asked, "Is this place great or what?" "Uhh. I'll go with or what," Ben said and Jen nodded in agreement. "Come on. What's more exciting than the world's biggest fishbowl?" Grandpa asked. "Uhh. Everything," Jen answered while looking at the fishbowl weirdly. "As the mayor of Sparksville, I welcome you, as sacreds of wonder," The mayor, Earl, said in a very dull and monotonous voice. "I know you guys are probably excited to see It so I'll go check us in," Grandpa said while handing Jen tickets. Then Grandpa left and then the trio walked to a building that said, 'The Jack-A-Lope' on the front in red lettering.

Jen rang the bell and the mayor popped up. "Tickets please," He said in his dull voice. "Uhh. We thought you were the mayor?" Jen asked. "He who wears the crown is burdened by many hats sign," Earl said while ripping the three tickets in half. The trio walked through the rusty bar. "Mind the signs," Earl said. Inside of the building, the trio take pictures of everything, making funny faces as they capture the moments. They take pictures of several different places. One picture they take is in front of the jackalope building another is an "American Gothic" painting cut out, along with a planetarium in which an employee is replacing the "sunlight" bulb. They also take photos in front of a giant house of cards and a giant hot-dog. Another photo is Ben and Jen getting sprayed with ketchup and mustard by Gwen, Gwen getting a hot-dog tossed at her by Jen, Ben wearing jackalope horns, Jen wearing a sparkly top hat and Gwen wearing googly-eye glasses. Another photo is the trio in front of the world's largest fish bowl while the trio pretends to vomit and the last photo is them sitting on a bench bored and an "It is this way" sign.

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