Chapter 1: And Then There Was 20

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Third POV
In classroom in Bellwood, two twins sat next to each other. They were known as the Troublemaking Tennyson Twins, known for their mischievous pranks. The twins were Jennifer Katy Tennyson and Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. Jennifer was wearing dark green cargo shorts with a white shirt that had a black stripe down the middle of it along with black and white sneakers. She also had shoulder-length brown hair with bright green eyes. Benjamin was wearing long dark green cargo pants with the same shirt as his sister along with the same shoes. He had short messy brown hair and bright green eyes. The twins were bored out of their mind. Since it was the last day of school, the teacher was still teaching and the twin pair couldn't stand it. Ben made a paper airplane and flew it across the room. Jen made an origami crane and she tossed it to Ben. Ben looked at his sister and smiled. They were the closest siblings, anyone with eyes could see that. They were inseparable since birth. Jen was the younger one, while Ben was mere minutes older. The paper airplane hit the teacher in the head. The twins saw and they looked down at their papers. The teacher turned around and immediately knew who the culprits were. After class, the teacher called them after class. She lectured the twins about the incident and how they should go to summer school. The twins didn't really listen and once they were let go they ran outside. "Summer! Finally!" Jen said to her brother. "It feels nice," Ben commented. Jen agreed. "especially since we're going on that summer road trip with Grandpa." Ben finished saying. The twins smiled at each other before spotting someone being bullied by Cash and  J.T. "Hey! Stop that!" Ben called while walking over to the bullies. "Ben..." Jen warned. "Don't worry I got this." Ben said. "What are you gonna do about it, Tennyson?" Cash taunted. Ben tried to punch Cash, but Jen caught him. "Let's go before you get yourself hurt or something." Jen said while holding her brother. "Look it's little Tennyson protecting her brother." J.T. said. "What did you just call me?!" Jen said angrily while letting go of her brother. "Aww, what're you gonna do? Cry?" Cash and J.T. laughed. Jen tried to tackle them, but they pushed her to the ground. Jen angrily glared at them while Ben tried to stop the bullies but they hung him in the tree by his underwear. Cash and J.T. Also hung the other boy up. "Stop trying to be the heroes." The boy said to the twins. "Ben!" Jen said when Cash and J.T. walked away. "Are you okay?" Jen asked. "Does it look like I'm okay?" Ben said grumpily. Then Grandpa Max's van appeared in front of the school. Jen got her brother out of the tree and the twins ran towards their awaiting Grandpa. "Grandpa!" The twins yelled while hugging him. "It's nice to see you two. Let's go." Grandpa Max said while walking into the van. They then saw Gwendolyn Tennyson, who's their cousin. "Eww! Cousin Dweeb! What are you— what is she doing here?" Ben yelled out. Gwen was reading a magazine as she answered, "Look, I don't want to be here. I already had my whole summer planned out then I'm told to go on this summer road trip with you two and Grandpa." Gwen explained not even looking up at the twins. "Ben, be nice. She is our cousin after all, even if she is a dweeb." Jen said. Ben just grumbled and sat down. Jen followed Ben's movement.
Then Grandpa Max drove them to a campsite where Grandpa started setting up camp. Soon the sun set and Grandpa asked, "Hey, kids, why don't we roast marshmallows?" "Not in the mood Grandpa." Jen answered. "I would Grandpa, but I'm trying to find a cure for doofusness syndrome. Nothing yet Ben and Jen, but I'll keep looking." Gwen answered while typing on her laptop. Ben then abruptly stood up, "I'm going for a walk." He said while walking away from the campsite. Grandpa Max gave Jen a look and she got up and walked after him. "Ben, wait. What's wrong?" Jen asked while walking beside her brother. "What's wrong? This is going to be the worst vacation ever. Might as well have gone to summer school." Ben said while stuffing his hands in his pant pockets. "Don't talk like that. Maybe things will get better." Jen said. "I don't think so, Jen. I hate to break it to you, but being with a dweeb like Gwen for the entire summer? That's just the beginning of the most boring summer ever." Ben said while putting his hands in his pockets. Jen walked beside him in silence when, "Jen look! A shooting star!" Ben said. Jen looked up at the 'star.' Then it came hurling towards them. Jen and Ben's eyes widened and they ran away. The thing crashed into the ground, creating a massive crater. The twins were blown off of their feet. Jen and Ben stood up, looked at each other and then walked towards the thing. "Looks like a satellite or something." Ben said while leaning towards it. "Ben. Be careful." Jen warned. Ben replied with a wave of his hand. He leaned forward and the ground beneath him crumbled. Ben fell in the hole and Jen immediately dropped in after her brother. The thing didn't look like a satellite. Then it opened up to reveal two watches that glowed green. "Watches?" Jen asked. "What are watches doing in outer space?" Ben asked Jen. Jen just looked concerned and confused at what they had found. "Ben be careful." Jen warned for the second time. Ben smirked, "I'm always careful." He reached his left hand towards one of the watches. It jumped onto his wrist and Ben yelled. Jen immediately went to grab Ben's arm with her left hand when the second watch jumped onto her wrist. "Ahhh! Get it off me! Get off me! Jen help me!" Ben yelled to his sister while shaking his wrist in an attempt to get the watch off of him. "I'm having a little trouble over here!" Jen yelled back while using her fingers, trying to pry the watch off. Ben fell backwards. Jen and Ben looked at each other before climbing out of the hole. "Grandpa!" They both yelled while running away.
Jen picked up two sticks and handed one to her brother. "Try this." Jen said. She then tried to pry off the watch with the stick. The stick broke. Ben sunk to his knees on the ground. "Ben, you okay?" Jen asked. "What is this thing?" Ben asked. Jen shrugged and she pressed the sides. The watch popped up and she dialed it. "This is cool." Jen commented. "Yeah it is. What does this do?" Ben asked while pressing it. Jen was dialing when Ben screamed. "Ben!" Jen yelled, accidentally pressing hers too. Ben then screamed, "Ahh! I'm on fire! I'm on fire! Ahh!" He ran around in circles. "Ahh! What am I!?" Jen yelled while looking at herself. She then tried to run over to the screaming Ben who is on fire, but ended up speeding over and smacking into him, successfully falling to the ground. "What the—?" Jen said while standing back up. "Ben!" Jen called. "Are you okay? Woah, you're on fire." Jen asked. "Woah, you're black and blue. You're super fast too!" Ben claimed while looking at the alien. "You can be XLR8!" Ben declared, momentarily forgetting his circumstance. "What?" Jen asked, confused. "Yeah I like the sound of that. Wait a second, I'm on fire, but I don't feel it. Yeah! I'm Heatblast!" Ben yelled while looking at himself. "That's great, but we should get Grandpa. He'll know what to do." Jen suggested. "No way, I wanna try this thing out." Ben said. He made a fireball and threw it. A couple of trees blew up in flames. "Wait, stop." Ben said to the flames. "Nice going, Ben. Now there's a forest fire." Jen said in an accusing tone.
"I didn't mean it. How do we stop it?!" Ben asked while staring at the raging fire. "Well, if I am super fast, I can suck all the oxygen from the fire and it will go out." Jen said while having a thinking face on. "Well, try it." Ben exclaimed, worriedly. "Okay, ummm. Here I go." Jen said. She starting running and picking up speed. She an around the fire and starting draining the oxygen. The fire starting going out. Once the fire was out, they heard Gwen calling for them. Ben and Jen ran up to Gwen. "Ahhhh! Nice creatures, you don't eat humans do you?!" Gwen trembled with fear. "Stay back!" Gwen said while holding up the fire extinguisher. "Gwen! It's us!" Jen said. "Jen and Ben!" Ben yelled. "Jen, Ben?" Gwen asked confirming what she had heard. "What happened?" Gwen asked while backing up. "We were walking in the forest right." Jen darted. "Then this meteor came after us," Ben continued. "But it wasn't a meteor or a satellite, but these watches." Jen spoke. "The watches clamped down on our wrists and we can't get them off." Ben said. "Suddenly, Ben was on fire!" "But it didn't hurt." Ben added. Ben and Jen stared at Gwen. "So, what are you two?" Gwen asked while inspecting the twins. "We don't know." Jen said.
Then they heard Grandpa Max calling for them. "Let's go!" Jen said while speeding towards her family. "Hey! Wait for me!" Ben said while slowly running behind his sister. When Ben got there Grandpa had already heard what happened and he didn't seem as confused as anyone else would be. "Grandpa!" Ben called out. "Ahh, Grandpa! Look! He's a fire doofus and she's a speedy dweeb!" Gwen shouted. Grandpa Max gave Gwen a look and said, "This is not something to make a joke out of. Now, Ben, Jen, how did this happen again? I want a full detailed explanation." Jen and Ben then started to explain how they thought a satellite fell from the sky, but it was really the watches, and how the watches jumped on their arms and they wouldn't come off. They also explained how they became the creatures they are now. "So what you two are saying is that those watches jumped up and clamped onto your wrists?" Grandpa Max said confirming the story. The twins nodded. "It wasn't our fault. We swear." Jen and Ben said together. "I believe you two." Grandpa said. "Think they'll stay monsters forever?" Gwen asked. "They're not monsters. They're aliens." Grandpa said in a serious tone of voice like he knew what they were. The trio just stared at him in confusion. "I-I mean look at them. What else could they be? And for once in my life, I don't know how to reverse it," Grandpa Max started. "So we're..." Jen started. "Stuck like this!" Ben finished. "Forever!" The twins yelled while looking at each other. The twins stood up and started panicking. "Now, just calm down you two." Grandpa Max tried, but the twins were freaking out.
"Would you two doofuses stop panicking before you hurt yourselves!" Gwen yelled. Jen and Ben glared at Gwen and they sighed while calming down. "We don't want to be freaks forever." Jen said while looking at her brother. "Yeah. How am I supposed to be on the little league team if I charcoal the ball every time I catch it?" Ben asked. Then the watch symbols starting beeping and glowing red and there was a flash of green light and Jen and Ben were standing there, in their human forms. "We're back!" Jen cheered. "Alright!" Ben cheered. "Aw too bad I liked you both better when you were aliens." Gwen said. "Still can't get this thing off." Ben said while tugging on it. Jen was doing the same thing. "Better not fool with it. We'll figure this out together. For right now, though. Don't touch the watches until we know exactly what we're dealing with. We don't know what they are, or what they do. Got it?" Grandpa Max sternly told the twins. The twins nodded at Grandpa Max's words. "I'm gonna check out that crash site when we get back to camp. Stay at the campsite until I get back and remember what I said." Grandpa said. Then he just looked at the kids and they all walked back to the camp when Ben started playing with the watch again. Jen smacked Ben's hand. She shook her head and then made some motions with her hands. Ben nodded. Gwen looked back and saw them make hand signals to each other and thought, 'what doofuses.'
In reality, Jen and Ben made up a silent communication bond where they used hand signals to talk to each other. With her hands Jen said, "Don't play with the watch now. Grandpa will see us. We'll figure out the watches later in the woods." Ben nodded in response. When they arrived back at camp Grandpa went to the crash site while Gwen went inside the van and Jen and Ben immediately started playing with the watches. "How did we do that before?" Ben asked. "Uhh. I think maybe we pushed these buttons." Jen said while pushing the buttons on the sides. The watch immediately popped up and allowed Jen to scroll through the alien creatures. Ben watched his sister and he pushed the buttons and was scrolling through the watch options. "Hey! Caught you two!" Gwen said scaring the twins who jumped a little. Gwen started laughing. "Haha, very funny. Like your face." Ben said as he went back to messing with it. "Grandpa said not to mess with those things." Gwen said. "Yeah so?" Jen asked. "Did you two get dropped on your heads when you were babies?" Gwen asked. "Come on, Gwen." Jen started. "You can't tell me you aren't a little bit curious what else this thing can do." Ben said. "Not in the least." Gwen said. "You sure you're related to us?" Jen asked. "Look if we can figure this thing out maybe we can help people." Jen said while playing with her watch. "We mean like really help them, and not just you know, make things worse." Ben said. "So, what was it like being all alien and stuff?" Gwen asked. "It was like I was me," Jen started. "But it wasn't me." Ben said. "It was like we were somebody else." Jen said. They both landed on different aliens. "Should we try it?" Ben asked Jen who nodded in response. "I wouldn't." Gwen said. "Of course you wouldn't." Ben said as he smacked his watch. Jen lightly hit her watch and they both transformed. Ben transformed into an orange dog-like creature with no eyes and Jen transformed into a flying bug. "Gross what is that smell?" Gwen asked, "Oh wait it's you Jen. Eww, someone get some bug spray go buzz off." Gwen said while smacking Jen away who was flying a little too close for comfort.
"Hey! I think this one should be called, Stinkfly!" Jen said while flying around. Ben was slobbering. "Eww. This one's even more uglier than you are normally. Bow wow put a flea collar on this mutt." Gwen said. Ben roared while Jen was flying a round. "And no eyes, what good is that?" Gwen asked while waving her hand in front of Ben's face. She got an idea and was going to hit Ben with a stick. She swung her stick, but Ben sensed someone going to hit him, and he jumped out of the way making Gwen fall. "So maybe it's not a total loser." Gwen said. "Hey Gwen! Look out!" Jen said as she spit near Gwen. Gwen dodged and said, "Ewww. That smells!" Gwen plugged her nose. She turned and Ben was breathing in her face. "You both smell." Gwen said. Ben and Jen gave each other a look and went out in the forest. "Guys come back! I'm gonna tell Grandpa that you turned into some freaky aliens and went swinging around in the forest when he told you not to!" Gwen yelled. The twins ignored her. They were testing their new aliens when something shot at Jen. "Hey watch it!" Jen yelled and when she turned around some machine was flying after her. "Oh man, stop tailing me!" Jen yelled out. Ben heard his sister's distress and jumped on the machine. He bit down on it and it was going to crash into the side of a cliff. They were high in the air and Ben jumped off hoping to land safely. He didn't have to worry because Jen was there to catch him and she flew him down to land. Then their watches beeped and they turned back into plain old Jen and Ben.
The twins looked at each other and started running back to the camp when another machine came behind them, surprising both of them. Jen and Ben tried to work the watches, but to no avail. The watches needed to be recharged. Then the machine was hit with a shovel. The machine dropped to the ground, broken. "Back off, Sparky! Don't you dare go near my cousins!" Gwen yelled while beating the machine. "Thanks Gwen." Jen said. "Thanks cousin Dweeb, I'm glad to see you." Ben said. The trio walked back to the campsite. When they got there they saw Grandpa and he looked mad. They all hopped in the Rust Bucket and Jen, Ben and Gwen sat down in the booth. "I was worried that you might get popular with those things on your wrists. That's why I asked you not to fool around with it until we know what the heck it is." Grandpa said. "Sorry Grandpa." The twins apologized. "But we figured out how these things work." Ben said. "You just press these sides, dial until you find what alien you want to be, press it and boom, you're one of 10 super cool alien dudes." Jen explained. "What about staying a super cool alien dude and not transforming back into plain old pizza doofuses?" Gwen asked smugly. "We kind of haven't figured that part out yet." Ben said. It was silent, but for only a moment. "With devices as powerful as those watches clamped onto your wrists, my guess is we better help you learn. And fast." Grandpa Max said. "Alright!" The twins cheered. "Mayday! Mayday! Somebody help us! We're under attack by some sort of, I know you're not gonna believe me, robot!" Someone on the radio said. "Sounds like those things that attacked us." Ben said and Jen agreed. "They must be looking for the watches." Ben said. "Those people are in trouble because of us!" Jen gasped. "I think we can help them." Ben said to Jen who nodded. The twins stood up and Grandpa gave them a look.
"You, what are you two going to do about it Tennysons?" Gwen asked. Jen and Ben gave each other a look and then looked at the watches. They looked at Gwen and smirked. They all ran outside and Ben and Jen looked at Grandpa for permission. He nodded and they both activated the watches. "Eenie meenie miny, here it goes—" "Wait, we should both transform into the same alien." Jen said. Ben nodded and let Jen look at the dial. She gave Ben a look and nodded after she had the right alien. They both pressed the watches' dial and they were transformed into Diamondhead. "So what can this guy do?" Gwen asked. "We don't know," Jen started, "but we bet it's gonna be cool." Ben finished while looking at his hand that was a solid blue rock. Jen and Ben fist-bumped each other before running out to the scene.
People were screaming and running for their life as a giant robot was wreaking havoc around the site. "Looks like papa robot this time." Ben said. "We'll get gearhead's attention. You guys get the campers to safety." Jen said. Gwen and Grandpa nodded before running off leaving Ben and Jen to deal with the giant robot. The giant robot picked up a man and Jen said, "Hey! You put him down right now!" "You want someone to pick on, try us!" Ben said. Upon seeing the twins, the robot dropped the man and went after Jen and Ben. The robot shot Ben who was thrown back. "Ben!" Jen called. "Now I'm angry! Now one messes with my brother!" Jen said. She ran towards the robot and jumped onto one of its legs. "Take this!" Jen started punching the robot's leg. Ben cut his way out from under the cars and got up to see that Jen was hanging into the robot. "Jen look!" Ben said while waving his knifelike arm. Jen made her arm look like that and she cut the robot's leg off. The robot struggled to stay upright with much difficulty. Jen jumped away and the robot shot at her. The robot hit its target and Jen was thrown back into Ben. The robot picked Jen up and threw her into a car. "Hey! That's my sister!" Ben said. Ben started shooting rock hard sharp pieces of rock at the robot.
Jen got up and stood next to Ben who nodded. They twins got the same idea and they confused the robot by running around it. The twins shot shards of blue rock at the robot while running. The robot was shooting at the twins and shot a tree. The tree fell and was heading right towards Gwen. "Uh oh. Ben! Save Gwen!" Jen called out. Ben saw and used his sharp back to slice the tree in half. "So, are we even?" Jen called out. Gwen nodded. "Uh oh." Jen said as she was picked up. The robot tried to pry Jen's left arm off, but she made her hand into a sharp stone to break the robot's hand. Jen was then shot into a building. "Hey robot! That was my sister!" Ben said while running towards it. Ben stood in front of his sister who was struggling to get up. He made a shield out of his arms and blocked the laser. "Jen! Run!" Ben said while blocking another laser. "No way. We're in this together." Jen said while getting up and standing next to Ben. Jen made a shield with her hands along with Ben. "Shoot us." They said. The robot shot at them, but Jen and Ben blocked it. They both gave each other a look before saying, "What comes around, goes around." "Let's see how you like it you techno freak!" Ben said. They both made their shields aimed towards the robot who was blown up within seconds. "Alright!" Gwen and Grandpa cheered. "Go on you tw—" Grandpa started, but noticed people were staring. "Diamondheaded creatures!"
"Aw yeah! Who's the best?" Jen asked rhetorically. "That's right we are!" Ben answered. The twins celebrated until they saw Gwen and Grandpa making some hand signals telling them to stop because people were watching. Jen and Ben noticed and then Jen said, "Well I think our work here is done." The they both ran away.
The next day, the group was packing up the campsite when Grandpa noticed that the twins were gone. "Where's your cousins?" Grandpa asked. "I haven't seen them since breakfast." Gwen answered. Then Jen and Ben came zooming towards the campsite. Jen's helmet lifted up and she said, "We're right here Grandpa." "Jen and Ben?" Grandpa questioned. "Yup. Hey watch this." Jen said. Her helmet went back on and they both sped up around the campsite leaving it all packed up within mere seconds. "Pretty fast huh?" Ben asked. Then the watches timed out and Jen and Ben were standing their in their regular human forms. "I think this is going to be," Jen started. "The best," Ben said. "Summer ever!" The twins said together. "Absolutely." Grandpa said. "Definitely going to be interesting. So where'd you two go anyway?" Gwen asked. "We just had to take care of some stuff before our summer really got rolling." Ben said while smiling. Jen smiled with Ben and they high-fived each other.
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xx Via<3

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