Chapter Twenty-two: Jonathan?

Start from the beginning

Your appointment is in twenty minutes, you're just hoping that he'll make it back in time. . Or Luke is going to have to drive you in the new car he had bought.

Five more minutes passed and not a single word from Jonathan had come through. Sighing defeatedly, you eyed Luke across the kitchen counter and shrugged your shoulders. "I guess we should just go. Maybe he'll show up." You said as you slid into a thin coat. It wasn't cold outside, you were just a little self conscious of the new belly.

Luke sadly smiled and grabbed the pair of keys from his pocket. He threw an arm over your shoulder as the two of you made your way into the garage. "I'm sure he's okay. He probably just ran into an old friend and ended up getting caught up in their business and whatever the hell they're doing with their life." He sighed. "Just don't let him worry you too much. The last thing you need right now is stress."


The hospital was still just as white and just as clean as last time. You didn't want to go into the ultrasound alone, so you forced Luke to go with you. This was a scary moment for you, because suddenly everything was real. You're a mom to be and you're finally going to find out the gender of your baby. It was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time.

"(Y/N)?" Dr. Jones called and scanned the room full of people until his eyes locked with yours. You stood up from the uncomfortable chair and practically dragged Luke with you. He was resilient and kept saying that he shouldn't be the one doing this with you. He also kept telling you how he was going to kill Jonathan the next time he gets to see him. . Let's just say you were going to help him and then you were going to help bury his body after the two of you are done.

You and Luke followed Dr. Jones all the way back into the ultrasound room where you then lifted your shirt over your stomach and watched as he placed the cold gel on your belly. He paused before placing the camera over your stomach. "Do you want to be able to hear your baby's heartbeat?" He asked while raising one of his bushy eyebrows.

You looked towards Luke for an answer. "It's up to you, Mr. Uncle." You joked, though you really weren't in any kind of a joking mood. What you really wanted to do was get this over with so that you could find Jonathan just to make sure that he's okay, and if he was then you were going to murder him for being so ignorant.

This was the reveal of his baby's gender for Christ's sake. . Where the hell is he?

"I don't mind." Luke smiled. "I think I'd actually be pretty cool to hear the little guys heartbeat. ."

And with that, Dr. Jones continued whatever he was supposed to do in the first place. He turned the sound on and that's when you heard the abnormal beating. You scrunched you eyebrows and practically felt your stomach jump to your throat. Why did it sound like that? It was like it was beating really fast, but twice.

"Hm." Dr. Jones hummed. "That's weird." He laughed with a genuine smile.

"W—what?" You stuttered. "Is my baby okay?"

"Oh, definitely!" He cheered. "I don't know how we missed it last time, but you're carrying twins! Do you still want to know their genders?"

You felt your heart skip a beat and for a second there you thought you heard him wrong, but the look on Luke's face was enough confirmation for you to believe that what he said was true. "T—Twins?" You coughed, trying to catch your breath that happened to get stuck in your throat. "Wha—How?!"

"Holy shit, (Y/N)!" Luke yelled. "You're having two babies?!"

Your chest felt extremely tight, like you were about to have a panic attack or something. . And to make things worse, Jonathan isn't here to help. You had to close your eyes to keep from completely freaking out.


"So. ." Dr. Jones cleared his throat. "Would you like to know their gender?"

After slowing your breathing enough to talk, you looked Dr. Jones in the eyes and slowly nodded. It took you this long to accept the fact that you were pregnant, let alone becoming a mom, now you have to come to terms with having twins. A part of you was excited, but the other part was freaking out.

"Okay." Dr. Jones smiled. "(Y/N), you're having both a boy and a girl."

God your heart was pounding so hard in your chest, you were more than positive the ultrasound could pick it up. It was exciting being able to have both a boy and a girl, but that meant more money, more stuff, more preparing. . . And something else to add on to the list of things you needed to tell Evan.

"I— wow." You breathed. "That's a lot of take on." You felt a hand in your shoulder and looked up to find Luke sympathetically staring down at you. You could tell by the look in his eye that he was excited . . . And so was a part of you. . But what you really wanted at the moment was tub full of ice cream and an endless loop of depressing movies.

Jonathan was definitely going to get an earful for missing this. .



HEY! Sorry for the *cough*(late)*cough* chapter. I know this one probably isn't the best, I just felt like I should at least get something out there.

What do you guys think about twins?! Instead of having to think of one name, you gotta think about two! :D

Anyway, I'm probably gonna come back tomorrow and edit whatever the hell I wrote. So don't be surprised if this chapter goes missing later. Lol

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