Neatly trimmed green bushes added to the atmosphere, and in the very middle stood a golden platform, almost like a stone, a small wall connected to the round platform.

Several flowers scattered around, adding a beauty to the golden platform and concrete wall. On the wall were words, but I couldn't make them out from where I stood. However, the beauty and amazement of it all had me standing still, frozen to the spot.

It was so calm and peaceful here, a river cut through the area, a little bridge stood allowing access to

A picture caught my attention, leaning against the concrete wall. It was a picture of my mother, she looked beautiful, she looked happy, and I found myself smiling as I made my way across the little bridge, letting go of Zach's hand in the process.

Zach followed slightly behind, watching me with an intense stare that I tried to ignore. I fell to my knees in front of the shrine, another picture caught my attention, this one of my father. He stood strong and proud, a small smile sitting on his face.

My eyes tried to take in everything, before they fell on the small wall in front of me.

In loving memory of Kasey and Jax Gallner

Lover - Parents - Friends - Heroes

Always in our hearts

You will never be forgotten

And in the very centre lay a picture of my parents and me, we were all smiling at the camera, love shining from my parent's eyes. We all looked so happy.

The wall was covered in messages from everyone, loving words scattered all over, from people we've known and people we haven't, admirers from afar that wanted to show their respects.

You will be missed

You will always be in our hearts

Heroes to all, we were lucky to have you

You deserved better, as did your son. May you rest in peace.

We miss you

Your candles will forever burn

Rest in peace, friends!

My eyes roamed over the wall, reading the kind words of the people. I didn't even realise I was crying until I felt Zach's hand rubbing my back, he was on his knees beside me, reading the messages on the wall. I watched him, not bothering to stop the tears this time, it was only me and him here, so it was okay.

I kept my eyes on him until he turned to look at me, a small smile placed on his lips, he reached his hand out towards the wall and pointed to a message. My eyes followed his finger, and I began to read.

Heroes. My heroes, you saved your son, you save my keeper. I don't know how to show my appreciation, nothing I could do would be good enough, not with you both so far away. Wherever you may be, I hope you are both happy, and I hope you keep watch of your son. You treated me like your own and I will never forget that. May you rest in peace, you will forever be in my heart, as well as the hearts of many. You're not just heroes, you're legends! <3

I stared in shock at the message, my eyes scanning the words over, and over again, feeling more tears slip from my eyes, a smile settling on my face as I turned towards Zach.

"I wanted to say something, but nothing I could think of seemed good enough, but I had to write something. I hoped this would be okay." He examined me as I stared at him in shock, his hand reached up to rub the back of his neck, something he did when he was embarrassed. "My love?"

My hand reached up to caress his cheek as I smiled, before finally I lunged forward and connected my lips to his. I kissed him slowly, pushing all my feelings into the kiss, I heard him gasp before he kissed me back with just as much emotion. I was so lucky to have him; I don't know how I ever coped without him.

I pulled away after a few moments and simply watched him, his eyes remained closed, his lips slightly parted, savouring the moment which made my heart flutter.

When he finally opened his eyes, they connected with mine. The connection between us was incredible strong, you could feel it, it was impossible not to.

His eyes shone brightly, his natural, beautiful, silver eyes shining through, they shone with love, and I had no doubt that mine matched his perfectly.

"Thank you," I whispered.

Zach's hand came up to my face, using his thumb to brush away the stray tears. Sometimes I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have him as completely mine, and I never knew how to express my feelings right, no matter what I said, it never felt enough.

"I love you," I said instead. I knew he felt exactly what I did, so he understood just how hard it was to put into words.

"I love you more." He smirked, making the smile on my face grow.

"You wish." I winked, standing up from where I was knelt on the floor.

I outstretched my hand, helping Zach up before pulling him towards me, our bodies pressed together as I wrapped my arms around his waist, placing my chin onto his shoulder. His arms wrapped around my neck as he hugged me back. It felt so amazing to have him in my arms.

My heart was racing as we held each other close, neither of us wanting to let go, but we separated when we heard a cough from behind us. I slowly pulled away from Zach, placing a tender kiss on his lips, before my attention fell to where the cough had come from.

Standing a couple of feet away from us was a young boy, no more than six. He looked sheepish as he stood, rubbing his foot into the ground.

"Can we help you?" I asked, coming to stand in front of the young boy, before crouching down so I was at eye level with the child. I smiled kindly, awaiting his answer.

"It is you," he breathed, eyes growing wide and full of excitement.

"It's me," I smiled. The child giggled slightly before placing a clenched fist over his heart, his other hand hidden behind his back.

He was saluting me, and I was slightly taken aback by it, but instead of letting my surprise show, I bowed my head slightly.

He smiled brightly. "We missed you, Knight Adrian," he giggled, before he was running off in a random direction. Well I guess I don't have to worry about having to tell everyone, now.

"Well, that's an easy way to get the word around." Zach laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh along with him at our similar thoughts.

I grabbed my keeper once more, pulling him towards me and pressing our foreheads together. Everything went silent as I listened to his heartbeat, pumping away just for me. Our hearts raced when we were this close to one another, a sign of our everlasting love.

"He's right, you know?" he whispered, his eyes closed as he listened to my own heartbeat, I let him in completely, let him know what I was thinking and feeling. And he smiled, a huge smile that left me grinning like an idiot.

"Thank you, my love."

Today I did something I never thought I'd have the strength to do, because in all honesty, I was terrified of coming back here and if it wasn't for Zach, I strongly believe I wouldn't have come.

But as long as Zach was by my side, I really, truly, could do anything.

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