Chapter 17

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-Zach's POV-

The next day we had school, we didn't get to see the king as he was busy in the human world, no specifics were given which I think ticked Adrian off a bit, but he soon let it drop. I guess we'll have to wait for the key to his house.

The residents of Galtolga all have houses in our world, but because we are made to go to school here, some parents choose to live here, some stay with their children until they graduate, and some stay here permanently, they all go back at some point though.

My parents live a happy life here, they have jobs, but visit Galtolga regularly. They have given me the decision of whether I want to live here or in Galtolga when I graduate.

This is something I need to talk to Adrian about, because I will go wherever he will, just so long as he is happy, I'm happy.

I'd gone home last night and told my parents everything, their reactions were incredible, they were so happy, and my mother actually started to cry. They want me to invite Adrian over for dinner, I'd have to talk to him about that.

I don't want to force him back into things too quickly, he seems to be handling everything well thus far. I know if I was in his situation, I'd be freaking out big time, but then again Adrian has always been stronger than I had.

I still remember the day we first met; it made my heart flutter when I thought about it.


Walking into school on Monday, the whole school was talking and whispering.

Today was an important day apparently, the king's main knight...Adrian? I think his name was. He was made to stay in Galtolga, he took classes there because he was so important, he was expected to train any chance he had, so the king thought it best he stayed in Galtolga.

But today was the day he came to human school with us. Those who didn't know about our world just got excited about a new student, but those that know of our world think it's a big deal.

I ignored the chatter as I made my way to the lockers, I kind of felt bad for him, he was going to be surrounded by students all day.

It would be even worse if he's good looking, I've never actually seen him, I've just heard stories, like how he's the king's best knight, and everybody respected him and looked up to him.

Personally, I didn't really care for it, I'm sure he is a nice guy and all, I just don't get all the excitement.

I pulled the books I'd need from my locker and headed to class, we only had about five minutes before class started, but I guess everyone was hoping to see him before hand.

I shook my head and entered my classroom; the teacher was setting stuff up at the front of the class, and paid me no attention when I walked in.

I stood awkwardly at the doorway as I noticed a student sitting at a desk, his head buried in a book.

I didn't recognise him, but for some reason I felt nervous. The teacher moved towards the door, so I moved out of her way, she left into the break room next door so I was left alone with the boy.

Moving slowly into the classroom, he heard my entrance and his eyes found mine, only for us both to gasp a second later.

I watched in horror as his eyes shone bright silver, my cheeks burned as I saw the reflection of my own brightly lit eyes in the window reflection. I couldn't tear my eyes away as his burned holes into me. We both just stared at each other in surprise, and that's when I realised something.

My keeper was a guy?!

The thought rushed through my mind and as much as I wanted it to bother me, to scare me, it didn't.

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