Chapter 1 : Re-encounter

Depuis le début

Alexander was never one to talk very much and that made everything he say seem important somehow.

Not wanting to show him that he irritated the life out of me, I opened the backseat door and slid my small suitcase and my backpack inside. Then, I got into the passenger seat and waited for him to take me home.

"Vita," Alexander began but I quickly cut him off, not wanting any kind of communication with him.

"Don't talk to me." I faced the window and simply closed my eyes thinking that I should have just made a run for a taxi instead, no matter how bad it made me look.

Anything was better than being alone with him.


The tension in the car was suffocating and I was about to cry with joy when we finally stopped in front of my family home, a decently large single home with a garage big enough to fit four cars. From the outside, it looked normal but it had intensely wired security. Both my parents and Alexander's parents worked for the government in the defense field but we were taught from a very young age to never question our parents nor what they do, so I never did.

"It was nice to see you." Alexander didn't look at me as he softly said those words. He simply looked forwards with a cold gaze.

I glared at him with an icy glare of my own as I opened the door to get out. "Sorry, but I can't say the same."

Slamming the door shut and quickly getting my things out, I made my way towards my home without ever glancing back once but I felt his gaze follow me until I was safely inside.

I looked around and saw that nothing much had changed inside. It was the same it always was. I stared into the mirror that was near the front door. Light blue eyes stared back at me. I had very dark brown hair with a slight tan due to the fact that I was usually outside. Unable to stand the reflection of myself, I quickly took off my combat boots and climbed up the stairs to go into my room. Once I placed my things onto the floor of my bedroom, I decided to take a quick shower and go make something easy to eat. I sat around for a little while, getting used to being back home, and I debated whether or not I wanted to go to bed since the sun had set a long time ago and I was tired from the long flight. However, I was well aware of the dangers of my own mind and wasn't sure I wanted to take that chance.


I shot up awake and grabbed at my chest, fisting my loose t-shirt. My rapid heartbeat pounded against rib cages, threatening to jump out of my chest, and my skin was clammy with sweat. Breaths were quick and light while my hands shook slightly. Looking around my bed, I must have tossed and turned furiously while I slept because the blanket that I wrapped myself tightly in before I fell asleep, wasn't even on the bed anymore. One pillow joined the blanket on the floor, casually tossed on top of it, and the other was dangerously about to tip over and off of my bed. I quickly grabbed that pillow and buried my face into it and pulled my legs to my chest. I forced myself to take deep breaths.

After a few moments, I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't do it.

Placing the pillow on the bed, I grabbed some clothes and headed straight for the bathroom. When I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I stiffened upon seeing my reflection. What caught my attention the most was the haunted look in my eyes that I couldn't hide. Unable to look at my pathetic self any longer, I tore my gaze away and hopped in under the spray of ice cold water.

As I started to return to my senses, the grief and sorrow were replaced by anger. Anger directed at myself.

I caught my reflection again as I got out.

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